Userful provides 8K content, over network, to large video walls13 June 2016 The version 8.6 of this videowall controller is characterized by supporting large configurations and higher resolution content, from a single computer. Offers great improvements ...
The European roadshow 'Connect with Harman' arrives on 22 of June in Madrid9 June 2016 El proveedor de soluciones AV profesionales mostrará en esta serie de eventos por distintas ciudades europeas -que se inician el presente mes de junio, y que en Madrid tendrá lugar el ...
In Spain, the video will be the 78% of all IP traffic in 20209 June 2016 La evolución de IoT y aplicaciones de videovigilancia, medidores inteligentes, controladores de salud y otros servicios M2M de nueva generación están contribuyendo al crecimiento del tráfico IP que en España ...
IoT technology in Manu National Park in Peru to preserve species30 May 2016 Ingenieros peruanos junto con las empresas RFID Radical Solutions y Libelium han llevado a cabo un proyecto sobre monitorización medioambiental basado en plataformas de sensores conectados y cámaras para obtener ...
The BIT Innova gallery shows the most cutting-edge audiovisual solutions on the market20 May 2016 This initiative is shaping up to support the communication and promotion of new products and services that will be shown at BIT 2016. A jury of experts have selected ...
Meridian participates with its interactive kiosks Presenza in the Kansas Smart City project19 May 2016 This initiative seeks to make the city the most connected in the world and encompasses the installation of 125 smart streetlights along the new KC tram line ...
Cisco Connect 2016 or how to face digitalization and the value of the user experience18 May 2016 The combination of technology and business strategy to achieve success in the new economy has been the central theme of the eighth edition of this annual event of the manufacturer ...
One of the largest Buddhist temples in Thailand implements a Televes IPTV system13 May 2016 For this large complex, A telecommunications infrastructure has been designed and implemented that includes distribution of television services over Internet Protocol, Viewing points throughout the ...
Smoke & Mirrors creates a digital audio matrix, video and USB over an IP network with AdderLink12 May 2016 Los extensores AdderLink Infinity han ayudado en el traslado de las nuevas oficinas de la compañía de efectos visuales y post-producción que precisaba que sus recursos informáticos high-end estuvieran disponibles en ...
Ericsson performs the digital transformation of its business processes with 3DExperience6 May 2016 The industry solution experience Business Operation Excellence, using Enovia apps, It will provide you with a unified digital environment that will increase transparency, traceability, creación de informes y flexibilidad del ...
QNAP TBS-453A: 4-Bay NASbook for M.2 SSD Disks3 May 2016 A computer that can be used in a wide variety of multimedia applications, connect to a TV or AV receiver to enjoy 4K content, as well as audio, Thank you ...
Telefónica Spain and Huawei lay the foundations of the metro network for the development of 4K video services29 April 2016 Ambas compañías realizarán el despliegue conjunto de la red de metro inteligente de 100G en España con el fin de ofrecer un servicio de banda ancha de mayor calidad para ...
Cisco Connect 2016 will show the way to digital transformation27 April 2016 At this event, to be held under the slogan 'Digital Opportunity' next 12 May in Kinnepolis, the company, accompanied by its partners, will show how to help organizations ...
Albalá's technology helps the live and 4K broadcast of the opera Parsifal21 April 2016 El equipamiento para la producción en ultra alta resolución que Albala Ingenieros ha suministrado integra puertos electroópticos EOP2000 y preselectores HVP3000, que facilitarán el transporte de las señales entre la ...
Net4Things and Caser develop the first insurance based on IoT technology18 April 2016 Pioneer in the market, this is the first pilot multi-risk insurance service in Spain that incorporates the technology developed by Net4Things, especialista español en desarrollo de software y despliegue ...
Kyocera strengthens its IoT business through the expansion of its software lab12 April 2016 La compañía nipona aumentará el equipo destinado a esta área en doscientas personas con el fin de potenciar su capacidad de innovación tecnológica y facilitar la creación de nuevas empresas ...
Malaga transforms its telephone booths into intelligent points of information and mobile recharge22 March 2016 La startup iUrban ha sido responsable de este proyecto piloto y pionero en Europa, con la transformación de tres cabinas telefónicas ubicadas en el centro de la ciudad en puntos ...
Otis improves the communication of its digital multiscreen with 3G technology in elevators22 March 2016 The elevator manufacturer has incorporated into its MPD system, so far unique in the market, 3G technology to offer greater security in all communications, que se suma ...
IoT lighting for smart cities, the commitment of networking and lighting manufacturers21 March 2016 Muchas han sido las soluciones de alumbrado público inteligente IoT presentadas en los últimos meses por fabricantes de networking y telecomunicaciones junto a empresas de iluminación para fomentar el ahorro ...
Avcast brings to Spain the AV solutions for PS presentations16 March 2016 El catálogo de Presentation Switchers incluye equipamiento de conectividad, distribución y conmutación orientado a espacios educativos, entornos colaborativos, meeting and conference rooms. Avcast ha cerrado un acuerdo con Presentation Switchers ...