Barcelona shows how to intelligently manage the urban services of a smart city4 December 2015 The City of Barcelona has announced the project that has been carried out for the last six months and that is based on the Fog Computing concept. A technology platform ...
Edgeline IoT and Aruba Beacons: HP Enterprise's technology proposal for the Internet of Things3 December 2015 The company has unveiled its new HPE Edgeline IoT systems, as a result of its partnership with Intel, as well as the first cloud-based beacon management solution for networks ...
Harvard HBX Live Project: digital and interactive learning without borders30 November 2015 Harvard Business School has launched a project, called HBX Live, in which teachers teach their classes live from a ...
Telefónica extends IoT to the scientific community with SMARTfieb to protect wildlife26 November 2015 The project is based on the Internet of Things platform (Iot) Thinking Things of Telefónica applied in collaboration with the Center of the Foundation for Research in ...
Ingram Micro increases competencies in data centers with Cisco UCS-ATD certification23 November 2015 La división de Advanced Solutions de Ingram Micro ha dado a conocer su certificación como distribuidor de la solución unificada de servidores de Cisco (Unified Computing System - UCS-ATD) in ...
El Parlamento de Georgia actualiza su infraestructura AV y emergencias con Vitelsa20 November 2015 Vitelsa se ha encargado de la integración y puesta en marcha del equipamiento audiovisual, integrado por una solución global en alta definición, así como del sistema de emergencias de uno ...
I2Cat develops a sensor that works with solar energy and artificial light20 November 2015 En colaboración con Orange, la Fundación i2CAT ha desarrollado un sensor autónomo, que funciona con luz solar y artificial, que puede ser utilizado en aplicaciones como la monitorización de mobiliario urbano o ...
Riedel's new Tango TNG-200 matrix equips the 7RM mobile unit19 November 2015 The Murcian regional television has acquired the recently presented Tango TNG-200 matrix from Riedel Communications as an intercom system for its new mobile unit, supplied by Crosspoint. Supplied by Crosspoint, the ...
Cisco Smart+Connected Communications solutions for the digital transformation of cities17 November 2015 La compañía muestra en Smart City Expo World Congress, que inicia hoy y hasta el 19 de noviembre su quinta edición en Barcelona, su porfolio de soluciones Smart+Connected Communities, desarrolladas ...
DooH digital supports at the service of jobless youth to find work3 November 2015 Fundación Telefónica's campaign 'Including them depends on everyone' has the selfless collaboration of Clear Channel, which has made available a circuit of digital and touch screens ...
Intel goes to SIMO Education with the Education Study platform and the CAP server for teachers30 October 2015 Intel Education Study Platform Enables Content Distribution and Sharing to Students, facilitating access to digital books; mientras que el servidor CAP se acompaña de un punto ...
Soditec is committed to the large format in tactile visualization for the classroom30 October 2015 La pizarra interactiva 135i, el monitor táctil 98i y el gestor de aulas ClassCloud son algunas de las novedades que pueden verse en el stand de Soditec en SIMO Educación ...
Is software the future of the audiovisual industry??22 October 2015 In this article, Timothy Griffin, CTO de Userful, analyzes for Digital AV Magazine some of the trends that have been appearing as a result of the increase in software solutions in the ...
Bosch Dicentis: WiFi conference system for multipurpose rooms21 October 2015 The Bosch Dicentis wireless conferencing system is available in two versions: standard, for small to medium-sized discussions, and extended, including a 4.3" capacitive touchscreen ...
QNAP TVS-871T: NAS Thunderbolt 2 for 4K video workflows21 October 2015 El Turbo Thunderbolt 2 TVS-871T de QNAP ofrece la velocidad de transferencia de DAS y la accesibilidad del NAS. Una flexible solución de almacenamiento para los profesionales creativos del sector ...
Ingram Micro shows in its Symposium 2015 and ante 2.500 assistants how a wholesaler reinvents itself19 October 2015 With a single strategic vision: to add value to the channel and differentiate itself in an increasingly competitive market, Ingram Micro ha celebrado la décimo cuarta edición de su ...
Akka Spain achieves certification to install a tablet with WiFi in the Airbus A32019 October 2015 La filial española de esta empresa de servicios de ingeniería ha trabajado en la certificación de seguridad de una tableta con WiFi integrada en los asientos de los aviones y ha ...
GuestU offers the hotel sector a multi-language app to enhance its services with customers9 October 2015 Esta aplicación permite a los establecimientos ofrecer sus servicios a los clientes de forma personalizada, en la modalidad SaaS (software as a service), al tiempo que estos se benefician de ...
Yarr TV shows the advantages of integrating social networks in digital signage screens7 October 2015 Developed for all types of establishments and events that have digital screens, Yarr TV's social TV system flexibly adapts customers' branding ...
Ericsson shows its concept of connected public transport in ITS 20156 October 2015 Automated Networked Transport es el concepto de Ericsson Research que demuestra cómo los datos de redes móviles pueden ayudar a mejorar los sistemas de transporte público, y que la compañía ...