Alcatel-Lucent Rapport: Open cloud platform for collaboration and communications28 April 2015 La plataforma de software Rapport de Alcatel-Lucent reduce costes y complejidad a la hora de integrar los servicios de voz, vídeo y mensajería en cualquier aplicación, ya sea para servicios ...
Cisco Connect 2015 show how to adopt Fast IT to accelerate the digital transformation of companies23 April 2015 The next 7 de mayor tendrá lugar una nueva edición de Cisco Connect que se desarrollará bajo el lema ‘La Transformación Digital’, una transformación que permitirá a las empresas obtener ...
St. Petersburg Exhibition Centre Installs Multi-Zone Public Address System with Bosch9 April 2015 Based on the Praesideo digital system, Bosch has designed a networked solution with eight controllers, 90 power amplifiers and more 2.500 Speakers, que permiten la distribución del ...
A digital signage network allows Blinds to improve its internal communications30 March 2015 Signagelive's digital signage technology allows you to automate the processes of content distribution between av media in and optimize the use of social networks that ...
Televes will bring its new solutions for TV and data networks to NAB Show 201526 March 2015 The edition 2015 of the multimedia content distribution contest NAB Show, of the 13 to the 16 April in Las Vegas, contará de nuevo con la participación de Televés y ...
Huawei shows at CeBIT 2015 solutions that seek to build a better connected world24 March 2015 Huawei's Commitment to Technologies That Meet the Needs of Media, Financial institutions and the energy industry are reflected in the solutions it has presented ...
Optoma W350 and X350: networked professional projectors for meeting rooms23 March 2015 Designed for networked use, DLP projectors Optoma W350 and X350 are lightweight and easy to transport allowing viewing in widescreen screens and format 4:3. Optoma W350/X350 projectors ...
The last G20 Summit in Australia relies on Riedel's network and communications infrastructure20 March 2015 In collaboration with the Brisbane Convention Centre (BCEC), Riedel Australia deployed during the last G20 Summit under the Australian Presidency a fibre network infrastructure and ...
Caverin provides AV equipment to Globalia's offices in Mallorca19 March 2015 A videowall, which aims to play content on a multi-screen basis through Eyevis' Eyecom software, and Bose audio equipment are some of the elements that make up ...
Qmatic facilitates automated customer service management with App Connect19 March 2015 The new Qmatic Connect application allows an automated and mobile management of customer service through the use of Android and iOS mobile terminals. In numerous offices of attention to the ...
Domotys will show at Construmat what IoT brings to the construction sector16 March 2015 At Construmat 2015, Domotys will have a conceptual space where the advantages of incorporating IoT technology into the construction market will be highlighted. The cluster of ...
Ingram Micro makes it easier for its partners to manage Cisco services with IRIS13 March 2015 En colaboración con Cisco, Ingram Micro ha puesto en marcha una nueva herramienta de gestión para los servicios de este fabricante, denominada IRIS, disponible para todos los partners del mayorista ...
Mobile for Change: international app development initiative to improve society11 March 2015 Telefónica Digital Education, con la colaboración de Qualcomm y el patrocinio de la Unesco, ha puesto en marcha el concurso Mobile for Change, una iniciativa internacional para el desarrollo de ...
Telefónica I+D and KT join forces to promote Fiware as an IoE standard6 March 2015 Within the framework of the Mobile World Congress, Telefónica I+D and Korean Telecom have signed an alliance to adopt Fiware as a standard in the development of applications connected to the Internet of ...
i2CAT shows at MWC apps for smart cities and data transmission through a Led light5 March 2015 La presencia de i2CAT en el MWC está marcada por demostraciones que reflejan sus avances en el área de las aplicaciones de ámbito industrial para las smart glasses, las smart cities ...
Coruña Smart City completes its first phase of implementation of the project led by Indra4 March 2015 The urban platform of Coruña Smart City, the first project in Spain of integral and transversal management of a city through technology, is already installed and ...
IoT Solutions World Congress Barcelona will connect the Internet of Things with industry4 March 2015 Fira de Barcelona to organise IoT Solutions World Congress Barcelona (ISWC), the first international congress that will connect IoT and industry, of the 16 to the 18 September 2015, in ...
Panasonic enters the world of mobile virtual operators3 March 2015 En el MWC, Panasonic ha dado a conocer su entrada en el mundo de los Operadores de Red Virtual Móvil (MVNO) para conectar sus dispositivos a una nube M2M. the ...
MWC 2015 abre sus puertas en torno a las redes 5G y al Internet of Things2 March 2015 Barcelona vuelve a transformarse desde hoy y hasta el próximo día 5 de marzo en la capital mundial de la movilidad en toda su extensión para celebrar la edición 2015 ...
Bismart combines Big Data and IoT technologies in its Smart Destination application2 March 2015 Real-time information on what is happening in the city and smart routes to promote tourism in Barcelona are the differential aspects of the Smart Destination mobile application, ...