Riedel deploys TETRA radio and intercom systems for signal distribution at sporting events8 October 2014 El sistema de intercomunicación y comunicaciones basado en fibra desplegado por Riedel ha sido un elemento fundamental para distribuir la señal AV a las pantallas durante la reciente celebración del ...
The charity Age UK implements a digital signage network in its solidarity stores8 October 2014 In order to optimize communication with customers, donors and employees, the charity for the elderly, Age UK, has installed in its stores a network of digital screens with ...
12Stone Methodist Church uses Riedel Artist for its intercampus AV infrastructure3 October 2014 El nuevo campus de la iglesia 12Stone en Sugarloaf dispone de una infraestructura audiovisual que conecta todos los edificios a través de una red de fibra que incorpora la plataforma matriz para intercom, ...
Atlona CLSO-612, HDBaseT switch with 4K resolution for training rooms and auditoriums1 October 2014 El selector HDBaseT Atlona AT-UHD-CLSO-612, que distribuye Crambo Visuales, incorpora dos entradas HDBaseT lo que le permite ofrecer una gran capacidad de conectividad para diseños avanzados en aulas de formación, ...
JCDecaux and Alcatel-Lucent to develop connected urban furniture for smart cities30 September 2014 Developing connected street furniture to improve communication and services in smart cities is the aim of the collaboration between outdoor advertising specialist JCDecaux and ...
Tightrope integrates the corporate communications of Choice Hotels under a network of digital signage25 September 2014 Tightrope's Carousel solution was the option chosen by the Choice Hotels chain to implement a dynamic and interactive digital signage network that would solve their communication problems ...
Cisco and Telefónica create a testing platform to analyze the benefits of converged networks18 September 2014 Analyzing the benefits of the convergence of IP and optical networks is the objective of the test platform that Cisco and Telefónica have created, unifying its technologies and ...
Collaborative environments, Cloud Services, IP and 4K platforms protagonists of IBC 201416 September 2014 La confluencia de los servicios en la nube y las infraestructuras IP, con una especial atención a la resolución 4K, han sido los temas que más relevancia han tenido en IBC ...
Exterity attends IBC 2014 with its latest developments for IPTV structures12 September 2014 La cuarta generación de TVgateways AvediaStream y las herramientas AvediaServer y Artio Multivew son las principales novedades con las que Exterity ha acudido a IBC 2014. En el stand de Exterity ...
Beabloo and Inversa improve with digital signage and an app the communication of Parque Warner9 September 2014 Con cerca de 70.000 descargas desde que comenzó la temporada estival de Parque Warner, ubicado a las afueras de Madrid, la aplicación móvil creada como parte del proyecto de mejora ...
St. Louis University updates its emergency communications network with digital signage26 August 2014 The new digital signage network, which includes RGB Spectrum's MediaWall visual processor, University of St. Louis has made it possible to optimize the emergency communications system ...
Midland County Bets on Interactive Displays to Modernize Its Public Library25 August 2014 The Midland County Public Library has updated its facilities with interactive touchscreens that help visitors search for books and provides educational games to attract ...
Tripleplay's digital signage solutions optimize internal communications of the National Grid25 August 2014 In order to achieve better corporate communication with your employees, the energy company National Grid has implemented at its headquarters in Warwick (United Kingdom) a digital network ...
Siemens UK offices improve internal communication thanks to digital signage21 August 2014 The network of digital signage screens implemented by Eclipse Digital Media, using Onelan solutions as a management and playback platform, has made it possible to optimise the internal communication of the ...
Google improves its Hangouts video conferencing system in collaboration with Blue Jeans and InterCall31 July 2014 Specially developed for the business environment, Google has introduced improvements and Updates hangouts to make video conferencing easier, fruit of the partnership with Blue Jeans, that will allow the use of traditional based systems ...
Panasonic incorporates Miracast wireless technology to its new Network LED Display range30 July 2014 La nueva serie LFC70 de displays LED de Panasonic, dirigida al mercado corporativo y educativo, incorpora la tecnología inalámbrica Miracast para la transmisión a alta velocidad de diferente contenido, Including ...
La patronal tecnológica AMETIC ayuda a las pymes en el proyecto europeo EU Cloud Scout28 July 2014 Digital Europe y diversas asociaciones empresariales europeas, entre las que se encuentra la patronal tecnológica AMETIC, han presentado la guía EU Cloud Scout, un servicio online diseñado para ayudar a ...
Epson Moverio smartglasses tested with drones as natural disaster response systems25 July 2014 Epson y la organización independiente japonesa National Institute of Information and Communications (NICT) han realizado diversos tests en la ciudad de Sakaide, en la prefectura nipona de Kagawa, to analyze ...
Cisco boosts the IoE with an Innovation Center in Barcelona applied to smart cities23 July 2014 Research-focused, technological development and new market opportunities around the Internet of Things applied to smart cities, the new Innovation Center ...
Zara chain bets on Tyco RFID technology for intelligent inventory at seven hundred points of sale23 July 2014 Tyco Retail Solutions has signed an agreement with the Inditex Group to provide RFID-based inventory intelligence in seven hundred stores of its Zara brand, distributed in twenty-two countries. the ...