Tech Data adds storage solutions to its business, Buffalo multimedia and wireless21 July 2014 Solutions from the Japanese manufacturer Buffalo Technology, Specialized in storage, Multimedia and wireless networks for SMEs, have joined the distribution offer of the technology wholesaler Tech Data. the ...
Pixel Inspiration creates digital signage network, based on Scala, for the stores of the English retailer Argos15 July 2014 The digital signage network that Pixel Inspiration is installing in English stores in Argos, powered by Scala, has optimized your customers' purchases and simplified the ...
Brian & Barry fuses fashion and technology in his Milan store with 'a la carte' sound and digital signage as protagonists10 July 2014 The Via Durini Palace 28 has retained its sumptuous façade, although Brian & Barry has put his creative brand touch by turning windows into digital signage windows., while ...
AMX Solecis lleva la tecnología AV de las salas de reunión a pequeños espacios9 July 2014 Mediante la integración de un selector AV, un transmisor de transporte a larga distancia y entradas de control, los selectores digitales Solecis de AMX se ajustan a las necesidades de ...
The IoT will encourage sales of 95.000 new generation robots up to 2016, according to the Vint Institute8 July 2014 La llegada del Internet de las cosas (Iot) traerá aparejada la denominada ‘Cuarta Revolución Industrial’, al integrar las tecnologías de la información (THEE) con la tecnología operacional (TO), más conocida ...
At&T and Alcatel-Lucent transform school buses into connected classrooms on wheels7 July 2014 Denominado ‘Bus conectado’, el singular proyecto tecnológico realizado por AT&T y Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise ha convertido el trayecto tradicional del bus escolar en una oportunidad de aprendizaje para los estudiantes. Multinationals ...
Tripleplay modernizes Derby County football club's digital signage and IPTV solutions2 July 2014 With the solution of digital signage and IPTV of Tripleplay, Derby County has increased its revenue levels, Thanks to advertising, and has a TV channel ...
Riedel supplies the network for AV distribution, data and communications to the Red Bull Air Race 20141 July 2014 The Red Bull Air Race World Championship has once again relied on Riedel's communications technology for the realization of the event, that has designed an infrastructure for ...
Telefónica expands its offering of corporate voice services in the cloud with Cisco HCS30 June 2014 With Cisco HCS, Telefónica offers virtual IP telephony infrastructures hosted in its data center, in pay-per-use mode, integrated into an end-to-end solution. Telefónica has incorporated ...
Ávila launches the Internet of Things network that Abertis and Sigfox are deploying in Spain27 June 2014 Abertis Telecom is deploying a communications network with Sigfox technology in Spain, which is part of the Internet of Things concept. Ávila has been the first city to have ...
Digital AV Magazine renews the web in its commitment to quality and informational immediacy24 June 2014 La nueva imagen de Digital AV Magazine ha mejorado su interface en aspectos tan destacados como la propuesta de artículos relacionados con la actualidad o la calidad fotográfica. Una renovación ...
Union Depot Transportation Center Dives into Digital Signage without Losing Its Neoclassical Style24 June 2014 Tightrope Media Systems Supplies Dynamic Digital Signage Systems, as well as interactive kiosks, required for the redevelopment of the Union Depot multimodal transportation hub in Minnesota. located ...
Piksel DS4: integral platform of digital signage and online video to improve the communication of companies19 June 2014 La nueva plataforma Piksel Digital Signage (DS4) integra las capacidades de señalización digital con la plataforma de vídeo en línea (OVP) existente para que las organizaciones gestionen y publiquen contenido ...
QT Hotel implements an IPTV and VOD solution with TriplePlay technology17 June 2014 StreamVision has installed QT Hotels in the complex & Resort de Canberra (Australia) the TriplePlay platform, TripleChoice Hospitality TV portal. Una solución que sirve tanto para entretener a los ...
Crown expands its DriveCoreInstall amplifier series with analog and network DCI equipment13 June 2014 Four are the new DCI models that Crown has incorporated into its line of amplifiers DriveCoreInstall, two analog (DCi4|1250 and DCi2|1250 ) and two others that add Ethernet connectivity (DCi4|1250N ...
Cisco VNI Report: UHD video consumption and IoE will triple Internet traffic in 201811 June 2014 El tráfico IP global se multiplicará casi por tres en los próximos cuatro años debido al crecimiento de usuarios y dispositivos de Internet, a la mayor velocidad de la banda ...
Brightcove Adds HbbTV Support to Video Cloud Online Platform4 June 2014 La plataforma online Video Cloud de Brightcove dispone de compatibilidad para el paquete de encriptación común y los servicios de licencia y gestión de derechos digitales de Microsoft PlayReady y ...
Extreme Networks Develops AVB Network Solution to Optimize AV Content Traffic27 May 2014 La nueva solución de Extreme Networks, basada en tecnología AVB, optimiza los entornos de red Ethernet para facilitar el tráfico de audio y vídeo, sin precisar sistemas dedicados. Una herramienta ...
Administrations and global public entities already obtain value from the Internet of Everything26 May 2014 Más de cuarenta casos de uso del Internet of Everything (IoE) en Administraciones y entidades públicas de todo el mundo muestran cómo están aprovechando el poder de las conexiones para ...
Cheesecake Factory restaurant chain adds flavor to its menus with digital signage26 May 2014 En cada uno de los establecimientos de la cadena de restaurantes Cheesecake Factory se han instalado tres pantallas LG LN549E conectadas a un media player BrightSign HD220. La popular cadena de ...