Remote medical teletraining with the help of Vaddio PTZ8 February 2013 Dr. Brandon Winchester teaches his new method of ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia to doctors around the world thanks to Vaddio's PTZ cameras and a distribution ...
Wacom DTH-2242 improves communication in education sectors, training and health6 February 2013 Wacom's New Pen Display Combines Pen Input with Multi-Touch, favoring the interaction of the user with the device and guaranteeing efficiency in communication with ...
El Hospital Universitario de Valencia opta por la señalización digital17 January 2013 El Hospital Universitario de Valencia ha aprovechado la tecnología de la plataforma para ofrecer un recurso didáctico e informativo para los pacientes, con pantallas que suministran información a los ...
JVC Kenwood Announces Acquisition of Totoku's Medical Imaging Displays Division8 January 2013 JVC Kenwood ha presentado una carta de intenciones para la adquisición de la unidad de negocio de displays de imagen médica de la firma japonesa Totoku, with the aim of ...
A 3D virtual reality program of the Andalusian Institute of Pediatric Neurology helps diagnose ADHD18 December 2012 El Instituto Andaluz de Neurología Pediátrica ha desarrollado un sistema de realidad virtual en 3D, Aula Nesplora, para ayudar a diagnosticar el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con o sin ...
They develop a touch screen to carry the electronic medical record at the foot of the hospital bed13 December 2012 The SoftLab Research Group of the Carlos III University of Madrid, and IonIDE Telematics, una empresa de base tecnológica creada como start up de la compañía Quantion y empresa ...
Microsoft holds a meeting on Kinect applications in medicine, retail, fashion or education22 November 2012 The Second Kinect Effect Inspiration and Networking Meeting organized by Microsoft has brought together representatives from various fields such as medicine in Madrid, The Retail Sector, education and ...
Elo Touch Solutions introduces VuPoint Touchcomputer touch monitors for healthcare21 November 2012 Elo Touch Solutions ha anunciado su nueva serie M VuPoint Touchcomputer, una pantalla táctil de cero bisel y comunicaciones integradas, available at 15" and 19", destinada a entornos médicos y ...
HealthSpot Unveils Telemedicine Solution That Provides Universal Access to Healthcare19 November 2012 Healthcare technology provider HealthSpot has developed a system that provides patients with remote medical diagnoses. La HealthSpot Station es un kiosco 'walk-in' que ofrece a los ...
Barco Launches New Line of Bedside Terminals That Drive Interactive Patient Care9 November 2012 Barco has launched a new generation of JAO smart terminals for the bedside of hospitals, that they will supply to patients and staff of the ...
Create a patient touchscreen that improves hospital effectiveness26 October 2012 Valencian telecommunications company Tecatel has developed a multimedia application that integrates patient data, the necessary medical devices and the own entertainment of those hospitalized in a ...
Sony to unveil its latest 3D and OLED medical solutions at Medica 201222 October 2012 El gigante tecnológico Sony busca expandirse en el sector sanitario y va a estar presente en Medica 2012, la feria internacional de medicina, que tendrá lugar este año nuevamente en ...
They design a new tele-rehabilitation system for patients with brain damage that allows therapy from home19 October 2012 The LabHuman-I3BH laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), doctors from the Neurorehabilitation Service of the NISA Valencia al Mar and Sevilla Aljarafe Hospitals and the technology company ...
Gifu University uses augmented reality to create a virtual interactive anatomical model25 September 2012 A group of researchers from Gifu University, in Japan, has devised a virtual anatomical model that allows users to easily understand the positions and structures of ...
Barco offers new software that facilitates large-scale medical imaging14 September 2012 Barco ha lanzado su nueva herramienta de software Conference CloneView, que copia hasta dos señales de una tarjeta gráfica compatible y disminuye la escala o acerca la imagen para una ...
Virtway develops for AstraZeneca the 'Virtual Simulator in Mental Health: Virtual Patient’11 September 2012 La empresa Virtway ha desarrollado para la compañía biofarmacéutica AstraZeneca, la herramienta 'Simulador Virtual en Salud Mental: Paciente Virtual', un sistema que permite a médicos de atención primaria y psiquiatras ...
A virtual reality system allows to distract the fear of pain in patients31 August 2012 Un sistema de realidad virtual desarrollado por la empresa española Nesplora y bautizado con el nombre de 'Isla Calma', permite distraer el miedo al dolor y el dolor mismo de ...
Four young diabetics will climb Everest equipped with a telemedicine service from Telefónica31 August 2012 La unidad eHealth de Telefónica Digital ha desarrollado un servicio de gestión remota de pacientes diabéticos que ha permitido a la operadora organizar la primera expedición de diabéticos al Everest, ...
GE Healthcare presents a 'tour'’ virtual by the polyclinic of the Olympic Village of London27 July 2012 El proveedor de tecnología de imagen e información médica, GE Healthcare, ha hecho público un 'tour' virtual de la Policlínica de la Villa Olímpica de los Juegos de Londres 2012, ...
iRobot and InTouch Health develop RP-Vita, a telepresence robot for hospitals25 July 2012 Las empresas iRobot e InTouch Health han colaborado para desarrollar el Remote Presence Virtual + Independent Telemedicine Assistant, o RP-Vita, que combina la telepresencia con la automatización para crear un ...