Live video transmission of fires and drones to train and improve decision-making20 March 2017 The New York Fire Department (the largest in the United States), has recently deployed a live video streaming platform to help professionals in ...
Crambo attends the II edition of Axis Solution Conference with its commitment to IoT8 March 2017 This wholesaler integrates digital signage solutions using Axis cameras with hardware and software products distributed. The result is plug-and-play systems for integrators that offer analytics ...
The MWC 2017 opens its doors with forecasts of more than 100.000 Visitors27 February 2017 The most representative fair of the mobile communications industry, will host up to the 2 march at Fira de Barcelona to representatives of 200 Countries, more than 160 Delegations ...
AOpen adds greater capacity to the digital signage market with the DE7400XE24 February 2017 It is a media player based on the Intel Xeon processor that offers great flexibility, security and performance, while consolidating workload across digital applications ...
Panasonic will bring smart technology solutions for airports to Mobile World Congress22 February 2017 In Barcelona, mostrará tecnologías como la herramienta de interacción personal para espacios públicos LinkRay o HD Beacon, que permite crear mapas localizados y buscar direcciones en las terminales. For the ...
Airports in Portugal opts for the Sony Vision Presenter collaboration system for its COE22 February 2017 El nuevo Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE) del Aeropuerto de Lisboa cuenta con esta solución de monitorización interactiva para reproducir, a través de un videowall en configuración 2x4, for ...
Christie Phoenix integrates with XProtect to offer a unified solution for control rooms15 February 2017 Phoenix content management system obtains camera data in H.264 format, directly from the recording server, and, from that moment on, Automated control ...
The Spanish LDA Audio Tech presented its new NEO Extension models at ISE 201715 February 2017 Participando en una nueva edición de este certamen recientemente finalizado, el fabricante de sistemas de megafonía y alarma por voz para evacuación ha ampliado su sistema NEO con certificado EN 54 ...
Haivision and Dish develop a secure IPTV solution for companies2 February 2017 The solution between the Dish Smartbox platform and the Haivision IPTV system incorporates a framework that allows content protection for each desktop and set-top box. In addition, the ...
The Association of Drone Companies of Spain participates in the CivilDRON'17 congress27 January 2017 En su tercer edición, el encuentro sobre las aplicaciones de los drones a la Ingeniería Civil ha versado sobre las innovaciones tecnológicas del sector de los RPAS y la evolución ...
Powersoft prepares new strategy for its Deva Division with Karl Kahlau at the helm26 January 2017 As CEO of this product family, aims to reform the global sales and support organization. A strategy that began at the end of December with a view to ...
Viabox ML1: first person counter approved in Spain for capacity control25 January 2017 This system, international pioneer, responds to a demand from industry and society to know precisely the number of people who are in ...
Deva offered a new line of functionality on one of Times Square's busiest dates16 January 2017 Maryland Sound empleó nuevos aparatos multimedia Deva, amplificados por Powersoft, como parte de su sistema, proporcionando monitorización de seguridad, capacidades de mensajes de emergencia y música ambiental para los festejos ...
Ise 2017: Infocomm and Cedia help the AV industry protect against network risks16 January 2017 Como parte del denominado ‘AV/IT Friday’ que tendrá lugar durante el certamen, estas asociaciones abordarán por primera vez los peligros de los dispositivo conectados en red y el Internet de ...
InfoComm facilitates access to ISE's educational program 201710 January 2017 Con este objetivo ha creado un pase que permite a los asistentes pagar un precio único para el acceso ilimitado a las clases magistrales, conferencias y laboratorios que se realice ...
Plan clarity matrix: real-time multi-source visualization for critical environments29 December 2016 Un gran videowall, composed of 36 pantallas LCD de 55” de este fabricante, protagoniza el denominado Centro de delitos en tiempo real del Departamento de Policía de Memphis, from the ...
in 2021 there will be more than 46.000 connected IoT devices15 December 2016 Este crecimiento que se espera que se produzca en los próximos cinco años traerá grandes retos, tanto a proveedores como a usuarios finales, según se pone de manifiesto en el ...
Led Visual equips the CRA room of Grupo Sureste's new headquarters with AV systems7 December 2016 La compañía española de seguridad privada cuenta ahora con la mayor receptora de alarmas del Arco Mediterráneo, para lo que este especialista AV ha instalado pantallas de alta resolución en ...
Quanmax multi-touch panel PC for control applications and digital kiosks30 November 2016 With a tablet look and feel, models PPC-1500, 1700 and 1900 incorporate a flat screen PCT touch of up to ten touches and the processor Braswell Celeron N3160 and Intel HD ...
Collaboration, cloud, mobility, security and IoT marked the second edition of MMe 2016 from Tech Data17 November 2016 Estos fueron los temas claves sobre los que giró este encuentro de canal que el mayorista realizó en Madrid y que reunió a más de 700 present. Áreas, que junto ...