The control center of Glasgow manages the security of the city from the videowall of Eyevis3 September 2014 Un videowall de 12x2 y otros 16 more than different configurations make up the display system, integrated by Eyevis screens and Peerless-AV supports, que ha implantado el centro de ...
Hitrust manages its customers' infrastructures from Eyevis' video wall19 August 2014 Security company Hitrust has used Eyevis' EYE-LCD-4600-SN-V2 displays to design the nine-metre video wall that presides over its Pescara control center. Hitrust asesora ...
The motorways of Portugal, more secure thanks to Panasonic videowall7 August 2014 A videowall, integrado por un total de 44 screens of 55 Panasonic inches (TH-55LV5W), ayuda a Brisa a gestionar la movilidad de once autopistas en el país. Breeze, the company ...
La patronal tecnológica AMETIC ayuda a las pymes en el proyecto europeo EU Cloud Scout28 July 2014 Digital Europe y diversas asociaciones empresariales europeas, entre las que se encuentra la patronal tecnológica AMETIC, han presentado la guía EU Cloud Scout, un servicio online diseñado para ayudar a ...
Tecnalia Assistant helps the elderly to get around by public transport22 July 2014 Las personas mayores cuentan ahora con una herramienta de sencillo uso, desarrollada por Tecnalia para PC y smartphones, para ayudarles a moverse más fácilmente en el transporte público y planificar rutas. ...
Delta installs videowall at Bangalore Traffic Management Centre to ensure road safety18 July 2014 In order to monitor traffic in The city of Bangalore in India, Delta ha instalado en su centro de gestión un videowall sin fisuras operativo 24x7 que permite ...
HomeFutura chooses Mobotix megapixel IP technology to integrate its multiplatform home automation solution18 July 2014 El distribuidor español de soluciones de automatización para viviendas y edificios HomeFutura ha creado la aplicación Visualización y control de instalaciones multiplataforma, que ha integrado con el videoportero y las ...
The Arena Pantanal Stadium, one of the venues of the World Cup 2014, integrates digital signage with Panasonic and Cayin7 July 2014 The Arena Pantanal Stadium, host of four of the matches held in the first phase of the World Cup in Brazil, is equipped with a complete digital signage solution ...
Digital AV Magazine renews the web in its commitment to quality and informational immediacy24 June 2014 La nueva imagen de Digital AV Magazine ha mejorado su interface en aspectos tan destacados como la propuesta de artículos relacionados con la actualidad o la calidad fotográfica. Una renovación ...
Panasonic adapts the FZ-G1 tablet for use in environments with risk of explosion28 May 2014 The Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1 combines an ergonomic structure with a very strong and lightweight design that responds to the extreme challenges faced by field workers. ...
Valencia will become a smart and connected city with Telefónica's Smart City platform22 May 2014 La plataforma Smart City de Telefónica permitirá monitorizar todo lo que ocurre en Valencia y establecer estrategias que permitan al consistorio trabajar de forma más eficiente, mejorando la calidad de ...
EasyJet uses augmented reality and drones to ensure the safety and operability of its fleet19 May 2014 Drone technology and augmented reality are going to be the technologies used by the airline EasyJet to inspect its fleet and detect possible breakdowns, to the time ...
Internet of Everything attracts Cisco Connect 2014 more than 1.900 IT professionals9 May 2014 The annual event for IT professionals, Cisco Connect 2014, has taken place this year at the Kinépolis in Madrid bringing together more than 1.900 present. A meeting that ...
Videowall becomes the indispensable display system of control rooms9 May 2014 The solution exposed in IMagine event 2014 highlighted how display systems have been imposed at airports. In the terminals, Large format screens are ...
Canon will attend BIT Broadcast 2014 with XEED projection solutions and S Series video surveillance cameras8 May 2014 Projection and video surveillance will be key environments in Canon's support to BIT Broadcast 2014, represented by the XEED WX400ST and WUX4000 installation equipment, and the ultra-compact cameras of ...
Warner Bros Madrid entrusts the Vitelsa Group with the maintenance of its audiovisual and security systems7 May 2014 Desde sus inicios el parque temático Warner Bros Madrid ha confiado en el Grupo Vitelsa. Primero para la integración de los sistemas audiovisuales y de seguridad, and, ahora para encargarse ...
Cisco Connect 2014 will revolve around the new technologies that will make the Internet of All Things possible25 April 2014 Under the slogan 'Internet of Everything', Cisco Connect 2014, that will take place next time 8 May in Madrid, show how billions of connections between people, Processes, ...
Sony will showcase its 4K display systems and IP video surveillance in the Cloud & Network Future 201421 April 2014 Los nuevos sistemas de visualización 4K de Sony, así como la solución de videoconferencia MEP y la nueva gama de cámaras de videovigilancia son las propuestas tecnológicas que Sony mostrará, ...
Acano integrates Easynet's managed security services into its virtual collaboration platform4 April 2014 Easynet Global Services y Acano han unido sus tecnologías para crear una solución pensada para empresas globales que buscan impulsar la colaboración con la última evolución en las comunicaciones unificadas. Easynet ...
Intelygenz develops an app for Prosegur security guards to use Google Glass in their security work28 March 2014 Los vigilantes de Prosegur podrán utilizar las Google Glass en su trabajo diario gracias a la app que está desarrollando Intelygenz que permite tomar fotografías y vídeos de la localización ...