Acano integrates Easynet's managed security services into its virtual collaboration platform4 April 2014 Easynet Global Services y Acano han unido sus tecnologías para crear una solución pensada para empresas globales que buscan impulsar la colaboración con la última evolución en las comunicaciones unificadas. Easynet ...
Intelygenz develops an app for Prosegur security guards to use Google Glass in their security work28 March 2014 Los vigilantes de Prosegur podrán utilizar las Google Glass en su trabajo diario gracias a la app que está desarrollando Intelygenz que permite tomar fotografías y vídeos de la localización ...
VTT and Rolls-Royce unveil and design a control room with real technology to crew the cargo ships of the future20 March 2014 Touch screens, 3D images and videos, retinal and fingerprint biometric recognition, augmented reality, thermal cameras,... all integrated under the concept of a control room, on-site and ...
Axis showed at EuroShop 2014 the functionality of IP cameras in the retail sector11 March 2014 Con un concepto innovador, Axis participó en EuroShop 2014 junto a sus socios Vizualize, SeeTec y Tamperseal. Su stand ofrecía una experiencia de tienda interactiva donde los clientes podían interactuar ...
Axis Iberia deploys network video innovation in SICUR 2014 to celebrate its XV anniversary28 February 2014 La filial ibérica de Axis Communications es una de las grandes protagonistas del pabellón 10 de SICUR 2014, presidiendo la entrada al mismo y celebrando con la presentación de nuevos ...
Samsung lets see in SICUR 2014 its commitment to IP video surveillance and its WiseNet III DSP28 February 2014 Solutions for vertical markets designed with IP technology are the great bet with which Samsung Techwin has attended the International Security Exhibition 2014. Una ocasión que ha aprovechado ...
Panasonic presents its new high-end IP cameras WV-SFR600 and WV-SFN600 series28 February 2014 The series 6 de cámaras de videovigilancia en red de Panasonic Europe acaba de ampliarse con cuatro modelos domo IP para interiores: WV-SFR600 y WV-SFN600, to which is added ...
Siemens has landed at SICUR 2014 with his Aeryon Scout drone, able to fly in the most adverse conditions27 February 2014 The Aeryon Scout drone has been the main protagonist of the presentation that Siemens has made to the media at SICUR 2014. In addition, has unveiled different ...
WD premieres at SICUR 2014 the line of Purple hard drives for video surveillance27 February 2014 Purple is the new line of hard drives of 3,5 large capacity inches and AllFrame and Advance Format technology, presented by WD at the International Security Show, for ...
Stanley Security EyeLock: access control with biometric iris recognition in SICUR 201427 February 2014 Con un showroom de demostraciones en su espacio expositivo en el pabellón 10 de SICUR 2014 (stand B10), Stanley Security ha presentado su sistema de control de accesos EyeLock, seleccionado ...
SICUR 2014, the commitment of Mobotix to go with its own stand and present its wide range of video surveillance in 5MP26 February 2014 Tras cuatro ediciones acudiendo a SICUR a través de sus distribuidores, Mobotix apuesta en esta edición con un stand propio donde está mostrando sus últimas cámaras de 5 Mp, between ...
Bosch Security offers SICUR professionals 2014 'A world of options tailored to you'26 February 2014 En la primera jornada de SICUR 2014, Bosch Security ha celebrado su tradicional encuentro con los medios para mostrar sus últimas innovaciones en seguridad IP y analógica, protección y comunicación, ...
SICUR 2014 opens its doors today to show in 360º the innovation of the security industry25 February 2014 A total of 1.300 Participating companies, asociaciones, profesionales y usuarios de seguridad se dan cita desde hoy y hasta el 28 de febrero en la décimo novena edición de SICUR, ...
Artpec-5: new generation of Axis Communications chips for video image processing25 February 2014 The manufacturer of network video Axis Communications has available the new generation of its 'system on a chip' for IP video surveillance cameras and video encoders: Artpec-5, What ...
Codylost's QR system identifies the ownership of objects anywhere in the world25 February 2014 The firm Codylost has developed a system, based on QR technology, that recognizes the owner of an object so that it can be recovered anywhere in the world, already ...
Scati presents at SICUR 2014 its Kraken platform, capable of managing thousands of cameras24 February 2014 Video surveillance solutions manufacturer Scati will present at SICUR 2014 its new Kraken platform, that allows you to record and manage any number of network video cameras, with the ...
Eminent EM6250HD and EM6270, dual lens cameras for IP video surveillance in SMEs24 February 2014 Para negocios de pequeño y mediano tamaño están pensadas las cámaras de videovigilancia IP Eminent EM6250HD y EM6270, dos equipos que se pueden configurar y controlar desde un smarphone o ...
Panasonic attends MWC 2014 with its display and video surveillance solutions for vertical markets24 February 2014 The MWC 2014 de Barcelona abre hoy sus puertas y Panasonic está presente con su completa línea de soluciones para el sector transporte, logistics, retail y automoción, as well as its ...
Bosch Security supports 960H video technology with its new Divar digital recorders 3000/500021 February 2014 Compatibles con las últimas cámaras analógicas de ultra alta resolución 960H, Bosch Security Systems tiene disponibles los nuevos grabadores Divar 3000/5000 que soportan esta tecnología y capturan más del 30% ...
Diode offers four bundles of HD video surveillance to face any security project21 February 2014 Through its communications division, the wholesaler Diode has available four new bundles, composed of Sarix IL10 domes in HD by Pelco by Schneider Electric, and by the ...