Acciona participates in the Shindagha museum project that highlights the history and culture of Dubai19 January 2018 Promoted by Dubai Municipality, This project includes a set of historic houses in which the most innovative technologies of experimentation and interactivity will be combined through multisensory installations. ...
Intel Introduces Smaller VIRTUAL Reality-Capable Mini PC12 January 2018 Los nuevos sistemas NUC (NUC8i7HVK y NUC8i7HNK), con un volumen de 1,20 Litres, incorporan la 8ª generación de procesadores Intel Core i7 con gráficas Radeon RX Vega M. Intel ha lanzado ...
Holographic projection as a tourist attraction for the big stars of English pop4 January 2018 Digital Projection's award-winning HIGHlite Laser II projector has been selected by integrator DJ Willrich to star in the new tourist attraction, British Music Experience de Liverpool, in Kingdom ...
Amimon brings its HD wireless transmission technology to virtual reality20 December 2017 Esta solución permite transmitir vídeo de alta calidad con latencia cero utilizando la banda de 5 GHz y funciona en cualquier entorno, incluidos los escenarios multiusuario y salas de gran ...
Samsung inaugurates its largest technology experience store in Spain18 December 2017 Located in the shopping center of Callao, Offers, on a surface of 1.200 square meters, interactive installations and virtual reality experiences with robotic chairs and simulators. Samsung, next to El ...
Oriental Science Fiction Valley: leisure with virtual and mixed reality in all attractions18 December 2017 Este gigantesco parque temático, ubicado en la provincia china de Ghizou, cuenta con castillos futuristas, un enorme robot y 35 atracciones diferentes que utilizan realidad realidad virtual y mixta. With the ...
8K resolution, 4D experiences and robots star in the reopening of the planetarium in Argentina7 December 2017 On the fiftieth anniversary of its creation and after a profound technological renovation inside the dome, Argentina's planetarium has reopened its doors in Buenos Aires ...
JVC DLA VS4010 and VS4700: 4K projectors for simulation applications30 November 2017 These devices are available with different fixed optics and zoom, and built with a robust chassis, specially designed to be installed on mobile simulation systems, con desplazamiento en inclinación ...
With Sumerian, Amazon immerses itself in professional virtual and augmented reality28 November 2017 Esa plataforma permite crear aplicaciones AR, VR y 3D para ejecutarlas en dispositivos móviles, pantallas de señalización digital o navegadores web. Su utilización se extiende a una amplia gama de ...
Samsung MAN Virtual helps to spread the cultural heritage of the National Archaeological Museum28 November 2017 It is a multiplatform application that allows you to visit the rooms of the museum from any mobile device, Gear VR or web. Un proyecto que ha supuesto la digitalización de cuatro ...
Real Madrid players take part in a virtual Formula E race27 November 2017 Este evento se celebró con motivo de la entrega de vehículos oficiales, que desde hace 14 Seasons, Audi hace a la primera plantilla del club. Para la realización multiviews, Sono ...
The Museum Xperience renews its facilities with new interactive experiences17 November 2017 In this new edition, el museo de Rafa Nadal cuenta con nuevos hologramas, interactive installations, simuladores, juegos y mucha historia sobre el tenista más importante de la historia de España. ...
Kabel HoloSitum combines virtual reality with indoor positioning17 November 2017 This platform shows the model of an enclosure in 3D identifying, using holograms, the people who are in it and their situation in real time. To do this, se utiliza Situm ...
Adif uses virtual reality to train its workers15 November 2017 Virtualware ha desarrollado un simulador, utilizando el dispositivo HTC Vive, para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje inmersivo que reproduce los entornos reales de trabajo, situaciones e incidencias, y permite realizar ...
Microsoft fosters students' talent and digital skills with augmented and mixed reality26 October 2017 At SIMO Education 2017 está presentando soluciones que permiten capacitar a los futuros profesionales con herramientas cloud e innovadoras iniciativas, basadas en la realidad aumentada y mixta, escenarios 3D aplicados ...
Vntana and Satisfi Labs develop an intelligent virtual assistant hologram2 October 2017 This solution, that projects an interactive 3D character, combines augmented reality and artificial intelligence technologies. It is designed for application in stores, Sports centers and hotels, y es capaz ...
La realidad virtual llega al mundo de la cerámica de la mano de Innoarea29 September 2017 Esta tecnología está siendo utilizada en la feria italiana Cersaie en los stand de Porcelanosa y Azteca para mostrar sus nuevas colecciones y sumergir al visitante en una experiencia inmersiva. this ...
HP extends its Z-series to support virtual reality and advanced design applications26 September 2017 The flagship of this family is the Z8 G4 workstation, offering the ability to run complex 3D simulations and process massive amounts of data, a la que se ...
CTRC has shown how to apply new technologies to the footwear business at the point of sale25 September 2017 Within the framework of the Momad Shoes fair, The Footwear Technology Centre of La Rioja has shown a new format of commerce with innovative technologies such as virtual reality, the ...
Artificial intelligence and virtual reality two of Intel's big bets in its "Christmas Showroom" 201715 September 2017 The main protagonist of this event was the presentation of the eighth-generation Intel Core processors, cuya potencia y rendimiento supondrán un gran avance para disfrutar de las experiencias ...