Dassault Systèmes Adds User-Demanded Features to SolidWorks 20167 October 2015 Esta nueva versión del porfolio de aplicaciones de diseño 3D incorpora funciones demandadas por sus 2,7 millions of users, como capacidad de aplanar cualquier superficie, visualizar y ayudar a validar ...
Iberia Express celebrates its achievements with the projection of a virtual flight between Madrid and Tenerife23 September 2015 For 360º virtual projection, Newmedia used a geodesic dome with 6 Christie Roadster HD20K-J projectors, así como un reproductor Delta Media Server de 7thSense para el procesamiento de ...
Dassault Systèmes helps design aircraft cabins with Passenger Experience7 September 2015 Basada en la plataforma 3DExperience de Dassault Systèmes, Passenger Experience emplea una completa tecnología de visualización y de contenido interactivo para transformar los datos de ingeniería en aplicaciones para marketing, ...
Canon XEED 4K500ST: compact and lightweight 4K projector for installations3 September 2015 Thinking to meet the market demand for high resolution, Canon has launched the XEED 4K500ST projector, a team of 5.000 lumens ideal for use in installations over short distances, ...
AV Stumpfl focuses its visual strategy on simulation, education and training2 September 2015 La nueva propuesta de crecimiento y expansión de la firma austriaca se centra en una amplia gama de pantallas de proyección, incluso en formato curvo, y de servicios a su ...
AV technology helps understand the history of immigration at the Ellis Island Museum24 August 2015 Last May, the Ellis Island Immigration Museum opened a new section called 'Populating the Americas', A set of galleries that immerse the visitor in a world ...
Dassault and National Research Foundation collaborate on Singapore's virtual platform17 July 2015 Virtual Singapore is a pioneering virtual project based on 3D models whose objective is to solve the complex challenges in tools and services that the city will have to face.. Dassault Systèmes, ...
Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition es una realidad ‘no virtual’ en España9 July 2015 Ya se pueden adquirir en España las nuevas Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition, una versión mejorada, compatible con Galaxy S6 y Galaxy S6 edge, que ofrecen una mayor potencia de ...
inMediaStudio attends Evento Days 2015 with immersive augmented reality solutions2 July 2015 In Event Days 2015, inMediaStudio is presenting a time capsule that transports the audience to idyllic settings surrounded by a complete 'show' of lights, smoke, Holographic Sounds and Projections. inMediaStudio ...
One World Observatory elevates visitors to the top of audiovisual technology30 June 2015 Climb to the floor 102 of One World Trade Center in an elevator with walls that simulate glass and reach destination to be received by an installation ...
Epson Moverio Pro BT-2000 llevan la realidad aumentada a entornos con gran carga de trabajo26 June 2015 Las Moverio Pro BT-2000 es la respuesta de Epson para optimizar el manejo de sus gafas de realidad virtual en diferentes actividades empresariales. Un dispositivo que incorpora monitorización remota, asistencia a distancia ...
VirtualRehab 3.0 añade nuevas funciones y un brazo robótico para rehabilitación de motricidad fina12 June 2015 La unidad de negocio de salud de Virtualware ha presentado la versión 3.0 de VirtualRehab, su plataforma de rehabilitación virtual, que incorpora nuevas funciones para ayudar a fisioterapeutas y profesionales ...
Samsung bets on OLED technology for its transparent and mirror screens12 June 2015 Dotadas de la tecnología Intel RealSense, Samsung ha mostrado en Hong Kong una pantalla transparente y otra de espejo basadas en la tecnología OLED. Unos equipos pensados para utilizar en ...
Blue Print: 3D electroacoustic forecasting software for Adamson systems11 June 2015 This new predictive simulation software offers the ability to create simple and complex 3D surfaces for Adamson systems and hang multiple arrays in a single space. Adamson Blue Print offers ...
Ecuador offers a complete sensory experience at Expo Milan with TMTFactory2 June 2015 The pavilion that Ecuador has at Expo Milan 2015 offers a sensory experience where visitors can feel and perceive the culture and traditions of the country through ...
Surreal Vision technology will allow Oculus to merge the real world with virtual scenarios28 May 2015 Con la compra de la startup Surreal Vision, Oculus dispondrá de la tecnología que le permitirá crear escenarios donde será posible moverse por el mundo real, interactuar con él pero ...
Two new Tensator virtual assistants land at London's Luton Airport22 May 2015 The results provided by the two Tensator virtual assistants installed in 2011 ha hecho que el proyecto se amplíe y se incorporen otros dos con objeto de optimizar aún ...
Dassault Systèmes reinforces its presence in the 'age of experiences' with Modelon21 May 2015 Dassault Systèmes has completed its portfolio of applications and services, used in the current 'age of experiences', with the acquisition of the company Modelon and its developments for ...
The NY Rangers encourage among their followers the tradition of leaving a beard in an interactive experience20 May 2015 At the time of the Stanley Cup playoffs, the NY Rangers hockey team grows its beard and that is why they have involved their fans with ...
Paco Roncero will offer Sublimotion diners new sensations with Samsung Gear VR18 May 2015 La experiencia sensorial y sensitiva creada por el chef Paco Roncero, Sublimotion, volverá a abrir sus puertas el próximo 1 June. In this edition, los comensales disfrutarán de nuevas ...