The Void breaks down the barriers between the physical and virtual world to create an amusement park in Utah12 May 2015 La realidad virtual se fusiona con el mundo físico en el nuevo parque de atracciones que The Void está creando en Pleasant Grove. Una experiencia out-of-home donde se crearán espacios ...
The 'Sarcophagus of the Spouses'’ comes to life thanks to 3D videomapping and holographic techniques4 May 2015 Using a three-sided holographic pyramid and a 3D videomapping projection system, supported by Panasonic solutions, the Bologna History Museum has recreated the ...
Eyevis projectors optimize resolution in Skyguide training simulator29 April 2015 Switzerland's Tosim Blue simulation tower provides a higher resolution image with sharper, brighter colours thanks to eyevis projectors. A project that ...
A robot therapist helps children with mobility problems22 April 2015 Spanish researchers have developed an android, Designed for child rehabilitation, who is able to interact with patients and recognize their gestures and movements to monitor their therapy. Made under ...
Moment Factory and Barco bring immersive experience to designer Gaultier's fashion universe14 April 2015 The Grand Palais in Paris hosts jean Paul Gaultier's exhibition with a new immersive experience created by Moment Factory. Barco HDX-W20 projector brings the new one to life ...
Dassault Systèmes brings the 3DExperience platform to academia in a cloud environment14 April 2015 Dassault Systèmes' 3DExperiece platform is available in the cloud for academia, ofreciendo un acceso simplificado y seguro a las aplicaciones de ingeniería y diseño de la ...
The La Maquinista shopping center in Barcelona installs two AiMirror virtual fitting rooms13 April 2015 AirMirror Virtual Fitting Rooms, that have been installed in Barcelona's La Maquinista shopping centre, allow visitors to, with a simple wave of your hands, seleccionar entre más ...
Canon XEED WUX500: compact installation projector with WiFi connection10 April 2015 With the addition of WiFi connection, LCOS and AISYS technologies and a luminosity of 5.000 Lumens, the Canon XEED WUX500 installation projector is ideal for use in ...
El Corte Inglés reinforces the image of its fashion brands with 3DExperience30 March 2015 My Collection for Fashion es la solución elegida por El Corte Inglés para optimizar la introducción en el mercado de las colecciones de moda de su propia marca. This platform ...
Virtual reality and Oculus Rift allow you to choose the kitchen of your dreams in Leroy Merlin26 March 2015 3D Cocina Visor is the solution that Leroy Merlin makes available to its customers so that they can travel virtually, using the Oculus Rift, todo su catálogo y seleccionar la ...
La realidad virtual llega al mercado inmobiliario de la mano de ArX Solutions16 March 2015 La plataforma interactiva ArXperience 3D se ofrece como una potente herramienta de marketing para las agencias inmobiliarias que muestra todo su potencial si se utiliza con un televisor curvo 4K ...
Dolby and Jaunt show the magic of surround sound in cinematic virtual reality5 March 2015 Las tecnologías de Dolby y Jaunt se han unido para diseñar la próxima generación de realidad virtual cinematográfica donde el sonido envolvente es el elemento clave de estas experiencias inmersivas. Dolby ...
i2CAT shows at MWC apps for smart cities and data transmission through a Led light5 March 2015 La presencia de i2CAT en el MWC está marcada por demostraciones que reflejan sus avances en el área de las aplicaciones de ámbito industrial para las smart glasses, las smart cities ...
U-tad will attend Aula 2015 with experiences that combine engineering and virtual reality3 March 2015 Showing digital training through virtual reality experiences with Oculus Rift glasses and entering new spaces with Skanect and Kinect are some of the technologies ...
Christie MicroTiles Fosters NatS Air Traffic Operator Collaboration and Simulation23 February 2015 NATS, UK-based air navigation services company, has relied on display possibilities, performance and collaboration offered by Christie Microtiles systems for ...
The Gaudí Centre in Reus inaugurates a new exhibition space that seeks to immerse itself in Modernism in audiovisual format18 February 2015 'Gaudí and the Modernism of Reus' is the name of the new experience that has just opened at the Gaudí Centre, An immersive audiovisual installation, made by Sono, ...
The Penn Museum uses audiovisual techniques to show the history and culture of the American tribes5 February 2015 Four interactive towers of 15 meters high each,12 touch screens and a projection activated by motion sensors are the main audiovisual elements that have been used in ...
7thSense integrates into the immersive attractions of Wuhan Movie theme park5 February 2015 7thSense's Delta Media Server solution is used in three of the six immersive experiences offered by China's Wuhan Movie indoor cinema theme park. A solution ...
NH Hoteles shows the possibilities of 3D holography in the celebration of events4 February 2015 Durante la reciente celebración de Fitur 2015 in Madrid, la cadena NH Hoteles mostró en primicia las nuevas piezas holográficas en 3D que ya utiliza en su renovado establecimiento Collection ...
La realidad virtual de Samsung Gear VR, disponible para su venta en el mercado español3 February 2015 The next 13 de febrero marca la fecha oficial de la comercialización en España de Gear VR, el casco de realidad virtual desarrollado por Samsung y Oculus Rift, that you use ...