Spectacular video walls capture the attention of visitors at the Fitur stands 201530 January 2015 Large format audiovisual solutions, interactive screens and augmented and virtual reality experiences are some of the technologies that are starring in the 35 edition of Fitur. One more year Fitur ...
An advanced AV infrastructure brings the Birthplace of Country Music to life27 January 2015 The cradle of country music has an appointment at the museum that opened its doors last year in the city of Bristol. The Birthplace of Country Music is ...
Elo Touch and Mifitto develop a digital signage solution that facilitates the purchase of shoes20 January 2015 Un escáner en 3D y una pantalla táctil Elo Touch 3201L son los elementos que integran la solución desarrollada por Mifitto para asegurar que los zapatos encajen en el pie del ...
Neiman Marcus installs a digital mirror to offer its customers an interactive and social experience20 January 2015 A new way to shop in fashion stores is what Neiman Marcus proposes with the MemoryMirror he has installed in his Walnut Creek store. A mirror ...
A large interactive videowall, that simulates a virtual aquarium, President of the Japanese restaurant Yubari15 January 2015 Virtualware ha instalado en el restaurante Yubari un gran videowall interactivo que simula un acuario virtual, integrado por seis pantallas verticales Full HD de 85” y dotado de la tecnología ...
Toshiba attends CES 2015 with innovative technologies that seek a safer and more comfortable society7 January 2015 Bless you, almacenamiento y energía son las áreas por las que Toshiba ha apostado para su asistencia a CES 2015, donde está presentando una innovadora línea de soluciones que se encuadran ...
John Gerrad combines digital signage and simulation for his public artwork 'Solar Reserve'’30 December 2014 Almost 5.000 Photographs, a large Led screen and the combination of simulation and digital signage techniques have been the key elements for John Gerrard to create his ...
Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center: virtual 3D training for the health environment15 December 2014 La University of Toledo, located in this town in the State of Ohio (United States), has become a pioneer with the launch of the first Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center, ...
NEC inaugurates its first demo room in Spain: A space that exhibits an ecosystem of audiovisual solutions11 December 2014 Pantallas de gran formato con resolución 4K, equipos táctiles e innovadores sistemas de proyección son los principales protagonistas de la sala demo que NEC Display acaba de inaugurar en Madrid. ...
JVC DLA-VS2500ZG and DLA-VS2300ZG: BLU laser projectors- Scent for simulation and critical monitoring11 December 2014 JVC's BLU-Escent DLA-VS2500 and DLA-VS2300 hybrid laser light source projectors are presented as hybrid laser 3 chips designed specifically for simulation applications. JVC ...
PSA Peugeot Citroën improves robotic planning in the production of its cars with Dassault Delmia5 December 2014 With Delmia, PSA Peugeot Citröen has integrated the vehicle production process into an open and scalable platform. A tool that improves robotic planning, Complements the final simulation ...
TD Series Boat: Transportable dome displays for the simulation environment4 December 2014 Las pantallas transportables de cúpula Barco serie TD se ofrecen en configuraciones con uno (TD-135 and TD-150), three (TD-322 and TD-350) and five projectors (TD-522). A range that responds to ...
IDSI acquires Simulation Displays as part of its strategy in the European AV immersion market4 December 2014 The North American company Inmersive Display Solutions has announced the purchase of its small remaining shareholding in the English company Simulation Displays to undertake turnkey projects of ...
TMTFactory and Instronic provide the audiovisual infrastructure for the Adidas Megastore of Valencia CF3 December 2014 A videowall of 8 meters high and another six more, composed of a total of 85 monitors 46 Inch, are some of the audiovisual proposals offered by the ...
Ansys incorporates its engineering simulation software in Microsoft Surface Pro327 November 2014 El proveedor de software de simulación Ansys, en colaboración con Microsoft y FNAC han presentado una nueva solución inmersiva desarrollada para el dispositivo Surface Pro 3, que permite a los ...
Indra incorporates collaboration tools to the Toyra virtual rehabilitation system26 November 2014 Toyra is a therapeutic management platform that combines virtual reality and real-time motion capture. Indra ha ampliado sus capacidades incorporando herramientas que potencian el trabajo colaborativo ...
IoE, augmented reality and virtualization will be some of the technologies that will mark the innovation in 201524 November 2014 According to the latest study conducted by Setesca, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, virtual vision systems, collaboration, mobility and big data are some of the ...
Aristarkh Chernyshev fuses LED technology with 3D animations in his sculpture Userpic, an ode to classical art12 November 2014 The latest work of Aristarkh Chernyshev, Userpic, uses LED screens as the protagonist of his work of art. A sculpture in which a fluctuating 3D animation is visualized ...
Ansys brings together more than 150 Spanish engineers around simulation software10 November 2014 La celebración de la conferencia anual de Ansys en Madrid ha congregado a más de 150 representantes de la industria de ingeniería española para conocer la visión estratégica de de ...
Moscow encourages reading in its metro stations with a virtual library accessible with QR6 November 2014 The Moscow Metro has become a center of culture that allows its travelers to read for free the books of russian classics. To this end,, in ...