CEI Moncloa uses Christie's Mirage projectors to create a multimodal virtual reality room28 April 2014 Ingevideo has installed in the Living Lab of the UPM a multimodal virtual reality room with two Christie Mirage DS + 6K-M 3D projectors, Accessible for people who go to chairs ...
Twin Pines updates its audiovisual infrastructure with Trigital to increase its performance24 April 2014 El estudio de efectos especiales digitales Twin Pines ha actualizado su equipamiento audiovisual con una renovada infraestructura de almacenamiento, nuevas aplicaciones de diseño y producción, and 12 estaciones de trabajo HP. ...
The Holographic Exhibitor Paraddax Holoman 150 Allows the representation of a virtual person in real size22 April 2014 Paraddax develops a life-size holographic display, the Holoman 150, which is presented as a powerful single-sided display in vertical format of 70 inches for displaying 3D objects, Animations ...
JCDecaux transforms its canopies and mupis with 'the power of Electro' to welcome Spider-Man the 17 April14 April 2014 Con motivo del estreno en España de la película 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2: The Power of Electro', Sony Pictures Releasing Spain has launched an ambient marketing action ...
The Gamification Congress arrives in Barcelona to highlight its application in sectors such as education and health10 April 2014 La tercera edición del Gamification World Congress (GWC) tendrá lugar en Barcelona entre el 22 and the 24 de mayo para mostrar como esta tecnología puede ser aplicada a sectores ...
Tech Data will focus Metic2014 on thematic areas such as education, mobility, videoconferencing or digital signage2 April 2014 Metic2014, reunión anual que realiza Tech Data para dar a conocer las soluciones de sus representadas, will be held on 9 de abril en el CCIB de Barcelona. Contará con una ...
Ford uses Oculus Rift virtual reality glasses to test its prototypes2 April 2014 El Virtual Reality Inmersion Lab de Ford, localizado en Dearborn, está utilizando las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rift para evaluar y probar sus prototipos. Utilizar técnicas de simulación y realidad ...
The Internet of Things will change the human-machine relationship by creating empathy between the two1 April 2014 50.000 millions of objects will be connected to the Internet in the year 2020, según un informe del Instituto Vint. Los actuales dispositivos de mano serán sustituidos por terminales insertados en el ...
'The Pavilion of the Future' will start its roadshow in Madrid in an interactive 3D environment28 March 2014 Login>PT and Anetie are responsible for the roadshow, 'The Pavilion of the Future', that will begin its journey in Madrid next 3 of April and will continue its tour for another seven ...
JCDecaux creates an advertising campaign, based on augmented reality, to promote Pepsi Max27 March 2014 For a few days, different locations in London became the nerve center of the promotional campaign that JCDecaux carried out for Pepsi Max. En New Oxford Street se optó por ...
Art, technology and artificial life in the interactive installation of Espacio Fundación Telefónica26 March 2014 En el marco del 15º aniversario de los Premios VIDA 15.0, que se celebran hasta el próximo 20 de abril en el Espacio Fundación Telefónica, esta organización ha querido mostrar ...
Indra will supply seven Victrix virtual simulators to the Spanish Army to train soldiers21 March 2014 Los acuartelamientos del Ejército de Tierra español contarán con siete nuevos simuladores Victrix de Indra para realizar sus entrenamientos. Este sistema integra un entorno táctico inteligente que recrea virtualmente, in ...
VTT and Rolls-Royce unveil and design a control room with real technology to crew the cargo ships of the future20 March 2014 Touch screens, 3D images and videos, retinal and fingerprint biometric recognition, augmented reality, thermal cameras,... all integrated under the concept of a control room, on-site and ...
Aisoy Robotics: Spanish robotic innovation with emotional technology for the education sector14 March 2014 With the motto 'Social robotics for all', Aisoy Robotics, a Spanish startup, has developed the first robot capable of showing emotions and empathy with its interlocutors: Aisoy1, que sienta las ...
Vitelsa Group provides audiovisual technology to Gadir archaeological site12 March 2014 The museum dedicated to the Phoenician archaeological site Gadir, which is scheduled to open next April, it is a project that has been endowed with the latest audiovisual advances, simulation ...
Sport Check offers a new concept of sports store with digital signage as a key element of the design4 March 2014 First it was the one in Toronto and now it is the flagship of Edmonton. Sport Chek has created a new format of sports store in which interactive experiences are offered that ...
Epson shows at MWC 2014 the capabilities of its Moverio BT-200 augmented reality glasses in practical applications24 February 2014 APX Labs, Information Service International Dentsu, Metaio, Scope AR, Wikitude and Wipro unveil at MWC 2014 the solutions they have developed for augmented reality glasses ...
Virtual balconies of 80 " and HD in interior cabins to enjoy the cruise in real time21 February 2014 Recreating the navigation of a cruise in real time and the different times of the day in an indoor cabin is the innovative bet of the cruise company Royal Caribbean, ...
Medialab Prado launches the interactive installation TransEuropeSlow to travel Europe by bike21 February 2014 Como parte del proyecto European Urban Network for Connecting Cities, uno de sus desarrolladores, Medialab Prado, ha puesto en marcha la instalación interactiva TransEuropeSlow, en la que se explora a ...
Dassault designs the sled of the American team that aspires to the podium in Sochi 201420 February 2014 Con la plataforma 3Dexperiencie de Dassault Systèmes, Solidworks, el equipo estadounidense ha creado su nuevo bobsled, Night Train 2, con el que correrá en los Juegos de Invierno de Sochi ...