The Displair interactive display, that projects images into the air, reaches the Spanish market with Ontinet28 January 2014 Displair's aerial display is now available in Spain through its distributor Ontinet. It is a device that incorporates a recognition system that identifies the ...
Viclone closes 2013 with an increase in the turnover of a 120% and the expansion of new international markets21 January 2014 2013 ha sido un buen año para Viclone, empresa catalana pionera en el desarrollo de asistentes virtuales. Ha incrementado su facturación en un 120%, aumentado su cartera de clientes en un 20% ...
Dassault Systèmes and FEops join their technologies to design cardiovascular devices19 December 2013 FEops utiliza la aplicación Simulia de Dassault Systèmes para realizar simulaciones virtuales de la implantación de una válvula aórtica transcatéter. Esto permite visualizar el comportamiento de una cánula cardíaca en ...
Ingevideo markets sensors for virtual reality and simulation from Inertial Labs in Spain19 December 2013 The North American Inertial Labs, Specialized in development and manufacture of inertial sensors for virtual reality and simulation systems, has relied on the distributor Ingevideo to market its products in ...
The fifth edition of Madatac opens its doors to show the most innovative experimental and audiovisual art19 December 2013 Until next time 22 de diciembre Madatac ofrece en el centro cultural 5CS, la Casa Encendida y la Fundación Fiart lo más innovador del arte audiovisual a través de la ...
Dassault Systèmes buys 3D software development company Realtime Technology13 December 2013 Con la compra de Realtime Technology AG, Dassault Systèmes incorpora a su estrategia 3Dexperience nuevos servios de marketing 3D. Dassault Systèmes ha adquirido el 84% de la firma Realtime Technology AG ...
Atos and Worldline collaborate on Alfred project to develop virtual butler for seniors13 December 2013 Fomentar el envejecimiento activo es el objetivo planteado por Alfred, proyecto europeo en el que participan Atos y Worldline para diseñar un asistente virtual que permita a las personas mayores ...
JVC Professional: alternative light technology for simulation applications with D-ILA projection10 December 2013 JVC's new alternative light source technology for D-ILA projectors is ideal in simulation environments, ya que preserva la relación de contraste nativo y el rango ...
Christie Matrix StIM projectors will be used for air training of the German Federal Police5 December 2013 Tras un acuerdo firmado con Frasca International, Christie suministrará 12 proyectores Matrix StIM para los dispositivos de entrenamiento de vuelo del Centro de simulación de Sankt Agustin de la BPOL. Christie ...
Canon shows the capabilities of its MREAL augmented reality solutions in I/ITSEC 20135 December 2013 The MREAL line of augmented reality solutions, the projectors of the REALiS line and the RS-IL05WZ lens have been the protagonists of Canon's attendance at the fair ...
Christie supplies projection systems for U.S. Marine Corps training equipment. UU.4 December 2013 Aero Simulation ha encargado a Christie doce proyectores Matrix StIW WQ que servirán para modernizar el sistema de simulación 2F136A WST que utiliza el Cuerpo de Marines norteamericano. Christie ha ganado ...
Panasonic projectors immerse visitors in the history and shipwreck of the Titanic3 December 2013 The Titanic Experience takes visitors back to the early 20th century. Panasonic's projection technology makes the immersive journey that unfolds around history possible ...
Boat and projectiondesign 'add forces' in infrared projection and simulation in I/ITSEC 20133 December 2013 Almost a year after two world leaders in display systems, Boat and projectiondesign, will unite their technological expertise, el objetivo estratégico es ‘unir fuerzas’ para mostrar sus avances ...
Christie shows at I/ITSEC 2013 its latest solutions based on DLP technology2 December 2013 El proyector Matrix StIM WQ, un simulador inmersivo y desplegable para entrenamiento y el proyector estereoscópico WQXGA a 120Hz reales Mirage WQ-L serán las principales novedades con las que Christie ...
Ingram Micro continues with its pan-European strategy and creates the Advanced Solutions division in Spain27 November 2013 La división de Advanced Solutions que Ingram Micro acaba de crear en España estará dirigida por Jordi Muñoz, mientras que Alberto Pascual será el responsable de la oficina de Madrid. how ...
Damien Weissenburger, Sony Europe: "4K is transforming the business environment into a more interactive space"27 November 2013 The Head of Presentation and Communications at Sony Europe, Damien Weissenburger, analyzes in this interview the positioning of the company in the present and future development of products ...
Christie digitally recreates the magic of Christmas in the interactive windows of Barneys in New York22 November 2013 New York and Madison Avenue witness Christie's latest display technology at the headquarters of luxury department store Barneys, that have a ...
MIT develops inform dynamic display to interact with 3D objects remotely19 November 2013 InFORM es un pantalla dinámica, conectada a un dispositivo Kinect, desarrollada por el MIT, que permite realizar representaciones físicas de objetos en 3D y moverlos en tiempo real de forma ...
St's Hospital. Richard incorporates Sony OLED technology in its operating rooms12 November 2013 Los monitores OLED Sony PVM-2551MD, que se han instalado en el Hospital de St Richard sustituyendo a los antiguos LCD, incorporan la tecnología Trismaster EL muy indicada para mejorar la ...
Codylife's QR technology identifies and locates athletes in the event of an accident12 November 2013 El sistema de identificación personal, basado en códigos QR, que ofrece Codylife permite localizar la situación del deportista a través de GPS. La seguridad en el deporte es una cuestión a ...