Unique spaces with 3D images from Dekustic9 April 2013 No maintenance and innovative and attractive result in three dimensions is what the company Dekustic offers to create different spaces with acoustic conditioning. Dekustic, Specialized in professional and decorative solutions ...
Global Images of Natural Disasters in Twenty Minutes with RDNA Saint8 April 2013 La tecnología RDANA Saint utiliza el sistema de información geográfica (GIS) para proporciona imágenes globales de un desastre en veinte minutos. El software de conocimiento situacional y notificación de la información ...
SpaceTop, first transparent equipment for free interaction with 3D holograms4 April 2013 Con interfaz en 3D y pantalla táctil transparente para una libre interacción holográfica, SpaceTop es un prototipo cada vez más real desarrollado por el investigador de diseños interactivos del MIT ...
Intel is interested in the gestural recognition of Omek Interactive2 April 2013 The multinational Intel is negotiating the purchase of Omek Interactive, an Israel-based gesture recognition startup, for which manufacturers such as Samsung are also interested, ...
Interactive maps and geolocation to enjoy in PortAventura1 April 2013 The PortAventura leisure park has a free application for mobile phones and tablets to organize the visit to this facility before and during your stay that has maps ...
Haivision will present at NAB 2013 your Calypso Media Capture platform1 April 2013 Calypso Media Capture is the new media capture and management platform that Haivision presents at NAB 2013 that allows you to view, monitor, record and share video content or ...
Touch screens, Voice commands and natural interaction mark Microsoft's connected future18 March 2013 "Technology can transform our lives at work, while traveling and at home. This is a vision of what the future will look like in five or ten years., donde lo ...
A projector and a smoke machine create an amazing virtual space in an exhibition13 March 2013 Totally dark spaces and projection technology in combination with a smoke machine make up the unique exhibition of artist Anthony McCall, en la que el visitante se introduce ...
FCB Virtual Tour is born, the most interactive virtual experience of Barça's facilities7 March 2013 The Sky Company&Earth has been in charge of developing the FCB Virtual Tour using pioneering technological processes and elements launches a tour composed of 250 aerial spherical photographs ...
MPS deploys Projectiondesign for pilot training at EPST1 March 2013 MPS has just carried out an interesting installation in the European Pilot Selection & Training (EPST) for the Airbus A320. Continuando con la iniciativa de reducir el coste en la ...
Dassault Systèmes recreates the history of Paris in an immersive 3D experience19 February 2013 Este proyecto de realidad virtual, accesible desde múltiples dispositivos y plataformas, permite viajar a lo largo de 5.000 años de historia de la capital francesa. Dassault Systèmes (DS), compañía especializada en ...
TMTFactory's Play IT turns visitors to Barça's Megastore into virtual players7 February 2013 La aplicación denominada Play IT permite al usuario realizar toques de pelota como un jugador del Barça. La base del juego es la interacción del usuario con su jugador virtual ...
Panasonic premieres at ISE 2013 your latest visual solutions29 January 2013 From spectacular staging for rent, to areas such as education, control rooms, videoconferencing or digital signage, at the Panasonic stand at ISE 2013 cada profesional seguro encuentra ...
Kraftwerk bets on Watchout to create stereoscopic 3D and interactivity on its new tour14 January 2013 Kraftwerk, German group pioneer of electronic pop, has turned to Dataton's Watchout multimedia solution for their tour show 2013, que adapta la tecnología del 3D ...
Microsoft develops technology that projects interactive experiences11 January 2013 Microsoft ha sorprendido en el CES de Las Vegas con la presentación de IllumiRoom, una innovadora tecnología que emplea Kinect y un proyector para aumentar la imagen de la pantalla. Primero, ...
Virtual Body project allows users to 'step into their shoes’ of another person3 January 2013 Un grupo de investigadores del Laboratorio Ikei de la Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of System Design lleva tiempo trabajando en el proyecto Virtual Body, una nueva tecnología que trata ...
'The Nature Trail', an innovative interactive solution to encourage hospitalized children2 January 2013 El desarrollador de instalaciones interactivas Jason Bruges Studio ha llevado a cabo un proyecto para el Hospital Great Ormond Street de Londres para ayudar a que los niños lleguen tranquilos ...
Augmented reality allows you to see in the MEH of Burgos what Atapuerca was like27 December 2012 El Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH) de Burgos ha incorporado un sistema de realidad aumentada que interactúa con el visitante y que permite ver cómo era la sierra de ...
The Bilbao Reproductions Museum and Tecnalia develop new forms of interaction with art21 December 2012 Tecnalia Research & Innovation, el primer centro privado de investigación aplicada de España, y el Museo de Reproducciones Artísticas de Bilbao han desarrollado un sistema interactivo mediante el que las ...
General Motors rediseña Test Track en Disney World Orlando20 December 2012 Fruto del esfuerzo conjunto de los diseñadores de Chevrolet y de Walt Disney Imagineering, la atracción 'Test Track' ha reabierto sus puertas en Walt Disney World Resort de Orlando (Us.), ...