They develop a software that allows you to see in 3D piano concerts recorded in audio11 October 2012 Investigadores de la Universidad de California en Davis (Usa. USA) han desarrollado un algoritmo capaz de analizar una pista de audio con acordes de piano y generar, a partir de ella, ...
They rebuild the Paris of ago 5.000 years thanks to 3D technology8 October 2012 La tecnología 3D ha permitido que un grupo de historiadores y científicos reconstruyan París desde del pequeño pueblo de Lutece, origen de la ciudad, hasta el levantamiento de la Torre Eiffel ...
Samsung starts smart school pilot tests, your digital solution for education with Galaxy Note 10.11 October 2012 Samsung has launched a pilot test of its educational tool Smart School, una solución que pretende que las instituciones educativas ofrezcan a sus estudiantes un método de aprendizaje ...
Kilika reinvents the point of sale with Telefónica's Customer Xperience1 October 2012 The agency specialized in point of sale Kilika has created in the Corporate Innovation Center of Telefónica, in the tables (Madrid), the Customer Xperience, un nuevo espacio demostrativo en donde ...
Future Robot idea a kiosk-robot of digital signage28 September 2012 The Korean company Future Robot, a company dedicated to the development of service robots technology and human-robot interaction, ha pergeñado un nuevo robot llamado FURO-K que funciona como un ...
Intel and JCDecaux bring augmented reality face tracking campaign to the streets of London25 September 2012 Intel y JCDecaux han desplegado en las calles de Londres una campaña de digital signage basada en tecnología de seguimiento facial con realidad aumentada que permite a los transehúntes escoger ...
Gifu University uses augmented reality to create a virtual interactive anatomical model25 September 2012 A group of researchers from Gifu University, in Japan, has devised a virtual anatomical model that allows users to easily understand the positions and structures of ...
Interactive Cook and Experience, An original interactive lamp that opens the kitchen to new sensations19 September 2012 El donostiarra Julen Pejenaute Beorlegi, estudiante de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ha desarrollado 'ICE' (Interactive Cook and Experience), un dispositivo que es a la vez iluminador, asistente para cocinar ...
IBM and Ogilvy Provide Novel Interactive Experience for US Open Fans13 September 2012 IBM y la agencia Ogilvy & Mather han apostado por las nuevas tecnologías para sumergir a los aficionados al tenis en la acción del torneo US Open 2012, aplicando el ...
Children's sports store Rookie USA employs the first virtual assistant based on a famous person11 September 2012 Rookie USA, una nueva tienda retail de alta gama alta que vende ropa deportiva para niños, ha echado mano de un curioso agente de ventas: el Carmelo Anthony Virtual. Creado ...
Music and technology come together at the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 10.13 September 2012 Para celebrar la llegada de la tablet Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 a España, la compañía surcoreana ha decidido apostar por una campaña novedosa con un concierto gratuito del conocido DJ ...
Nissan experiments with a virtual showroom using Microsoft's Kinect28 August 2012 Nissan and Critical Mass, an Omnicom digital marketing agency, are testing a new virtual showroom that uses Microsoft's Kinect for Windows technology. The challenge: No ...
Renault Megane III comes to life with Dataton Watchout23 August 2012 La empresa especializada en la organización de eventos Omagica ha suministrado el software de presentación multi-imagen Watchout de Dataton al acto de presentación del nuevo Renault Megane III en las ciudades ...
Audi mounts interactive showroom in Copenhagen22 August 2012 The German car brand Audi has wanted technology to speak in the innovative showroom that has mounted in the Danish city of Copenhagen, where a ...
They develop a system that can measure objects in 3D with just a camera and a projector17 August 2012 A team from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), A Japanese public research institution, has devised a new motion capture system that allows you to measure ...
The MAC Empúries hosts a virtual exhibition on the last hours of Pompeii and Herculaneum16 August 2012 Through reconstructions, multisensory effects, virtual interfaces, Holograms, interactive systems and a unique 3D projection in the world with three-dimensional sound and special effects, the MAC Monographic Museum ...
Santander witnessed a projection of video mapping thanks to the FIS10 August 2012 La Plaza Porticada de Santander acogió el pasado día 2 de agosto una proyección de video mapping para presentar el Festival de Internacional de Santander (FIS), que mostró, con efectos ...
Microsoft develops revolutionary projection technology that enables remote collaboration8 August 2012 Microsoft se encuentra trabajando en un puente físico y digital llamado IllumiShare, que es una mezcla de proyector y cámara conectado a la red, permitiendo a los usuarios mostrar objetos ...
CAVE2: the next generation of virtual reality for immersive simulation7 August 2012 At the end of the year, the University of Illinois will present cave2 to the general public, a virtual reality system based on 3D techniques composed of 72 Screens, 20 Speakers, 10 cameras ...
'Simulacra’ transforms a neo-Gothic church with the power of light2 August 2012 The Light Harvest Studio group has used the video mapping technique to project onto the surface of an abandoned neo-Gothic church in Brooklin (New York, Us.) as part of the ...