Vitelsa provides the Pablo de Olavide University with a complete audiovisual equipment24 February 2016 En el salón de grados de la biblioteca universitaria se ha creado un espacio multifuncional donde se fusionan capacidades de reunión y comunicación en un mismo entorno docente. likewise, the ...
Crestron finds the Internet of Things the perfect framework for easier total connectivity11 February 2016 Soluciones para colaboración, content distribution, control y automatización de iluminación y consumo energético, así como dispositivos de control y gestión de espacios empresariales son solo algunas de las propuestas ...
AJA surprises at ISE 2016 with RovoCam, your first compact HDBaseT camera11 February 2016 Its connectivity under HDBaseT protocol allows to distribute audio and video signals with return of control signal and power through a single CAT 5e/6 cable. Dispone de óptica ...
The business segment and IoT, keys to Intel's business growth in 20168 January 2016 In a meeting held with the press in Madrid, Intel has advanced the growth forecasts of 2016, that hopes to achieve a 5%, especially supported by the IoT business ...
Matrox Markets Endea Development Platform for Multi-stream Coding/Decoding25 November 2015 La plataforma Matrox Endea permite codificar y decodificar en H.264 múltiples transmisiones hasta 4Kp60. Una herramienta idónea para facilitar la distribución de información y contenidos en aplicaciones de digital signage, ...
Agencies will tend to holistic planning of unique video campaigns, according to Videology9 October 2015 La segmentación avanzada de usuarios es la mayor ventaja de la publicidad en vídeo para los anunciantes, según el último estudio de Videology en el que analiza el futuro de ...
Christie Phoenix Quad-T expands data input and monitoring capability25 September 2015 Con motivo de la presentación en el mercado de Phoenix Quad-T, la compañía ha ampliado las capacidades de monitorización de datos y entradas tanto de este dispositivo como de Phoenix, ...
Optoma HDCast Pro: wireless device for 1080p video streaming23 September 2015 Sin precisar cables, el Optoma HDCast Pro permite transmitir contenidos a una distancia de hasta 10 metros y visualizarlos en pantalla gigante con resolución Full HD 1080p a 30 hz. HDCast ...
IBC 2015 supera las cifras del año anterior con una asistencia de 55.000 Professional17 September 2015 Los nuevos entornos IP, las redes definidas por el usuario, la UHD y las posibilidades que brinda el uso de la nube para aplicaciones OTT y VoD han marcado IBC ...
Samsung deploys in IFA 2015 your IoT strategy with solutions and collaborations4 September 2015 New products, partnerships with companies and solutions for the Internet of Things (Internet of Things – IoT) focused on people make up the company's proposal in the ...
Hispasat, Bansat and NEC bring full connectivity to the BBVA Route 201513 August 2015 Hispasat, the Spanish satellite operator and technological collaborator of the Route, Facilitates expeditionaries, with the collaboration of Bansat, Internet access and telephony services at any ...
Riedel MediorNet and Artist, technological protagonists of the British electoral debate10 June 2015 The recent British elections and, specifically, the live debate of the main political leaders who attended them, has relied on the MediorNet networks and the ...
Microsoft will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest with its Azure cloud platform17 April 2015 Technology will be a key element of the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 with Microsoft as a featured partner, that will provide its Azure cloud platform to share audiovisual content with more than 45 Chains ...
AVerMedia AVerCaster HD Duet Plus: video streaming from HDMI or IP network25 March 2015 Designed for live HD video streaming, AVerCaster HD Duet Plus allows you to encode two independent streams from two input sources simultaneously, across ...
Business model, technology and content will focus the theme of BIT Experience 201517 March 2015 Feria de Madrid reunirá en BIT Experience 2015, to be held on 17 and 18 June, a reconocidos profesionales y empresas, en un contexto único para el networking, the ...
Sony HMS-300MT: 3D head viewer to improve the work of surgeons in their interventions17 February 2015 In line with its strategy of being a benchmark in medical technologies in Spain, the Severo Ochoa University Hospital has carried out a course, As part of the Master's Degree in Endoscopic Surgery ...
Matrox exhibits in ISE its graphic and video solutions to configure and manage videowalls10 February 2015 C-Series graphics cards for multiple displays and videowalls, Mura MPX video controllers and H.264 Maevex AV-over IP encoders/decoders are being presented at ISE 2015 by Matrox ...
Flumotion brings its streaming platform and service to the public administration21 January 2015 La compañía española Flumotion presentará su plataforma de streaming para la administración pública durante el Congreso de Gobierno Digital, held in Barcelona del 21 to the 22 January. with ...
Tres60 Group takes stock of the last quarter of the year: six contests won and 11,2 millions of euros16 December 2014 The last quarter of the year has had a more than positive balance for Tres60 Grupo, that has been awarded 11,2 million euros in content production competitions, services ...
Sennheiser MobileConnect, innovative streaming audio technology to a smartphone27 November 2014 Sennheiser's MobileConnect system uses a Wi-Fi connection to stream lip-sync audio content to a smartphone via an app that turns the device into a mobile receiver. Sennheiser MobileConnect ...