Haivision Calypso 1.2 Expands its spectrum to reach the education sector, corporate, Military and health25 November 2014 El fabricante canadiense Haivision ha actualizado la plataforma de distribución de vídeo multi-entrada Calypso en su versión 1.2 con nuevas funcionalidades que incrementan el rendimiento y seguridad, añadiendo nuevas herramientas ...
Eyevis completes its line of solutions for digital signage in 4K with screens up to 98 "17 November 2014 Three screens of 58, 85 and 98 inches complete eyevis' range of ultra-high-definition resolution visual solutions. A bet that the manufacturer expands with new ...
Flumotion will unveil at EIS the latest innovations incorporated into its streaming platform for events10 October 2014 Streaming services company Flumotion to present at Event Innovation Summit, that will take place on 14 October in Barcelona, the latest developments in its innovative solution for ...
Collaborative environments, Cloud Services, IP and 4K platforms protagonists of IBC 201416 September 2014 La confluencia de los servicios en la nube y las infraestructuras IP, con una especial atención a la resolución 4K, han sido los temas que más relevancia han tenido en IBC ...
Exterity attends IBC 2014 with its latest developments for IPTV structures12 September 2014 La cuarta generación de TVgateways AvediaStream y las herramientas AvediaServer y Artio Multivew son las principales novedades con las que Exterity ha acudido a IBC 2014. En el stand de Exterity ...
Matrox will deploy the latest technology in 4K video monitoring at IBC 20149 September 2014 Las tarjetas de monitorización de vídeo 4K junto con visores múltiples de cuatro entradas SDI-HDMI, dispositivos de transmisión, grabación de vídeo y edición y productos para desarrolladores son algunas de ...
Wavetec designs an LED videowall of 55 square meters for the Glasgow Science Centre28 August 2014 At the entrance of the Glasgow Science Center has been installed an outdoor videowall of 15,3 meters wide by 3,6 meters long whose design and content management ...
Vitec will attend IBC 2014 with its latest proposals for 4K video encoding25 August 2014 Powered by TurboVideo2 technology, Vitec will show at IBC the MGW Sprint encoder that allows working with a delay of less than one frame of glass-to-glass for Full playback ...
Perpetual Help Hospital uses Google Glass and Oculus Rift to relay an arthroscopy15 July 2014 La Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Droiders participan en la retransmisión en directo de una operación realizada en el Hospital Perpetuo Socorro utilizando los dispositivos de realidad ...
Onthespot and IAB present an infographic focused on online radio10 July 2014 What advertising formats have a place in online radio?, What are the marketing models?, The medium's strengths and key metrics?… These are some of the questions that ...
Digital AV Magazine renews the web in its commitment to quality and informational immediacy24 June 2014 La nueva imagen de Digital AV Magazine ha mejorado su interface en aspectos tan destacados como la propuesta de artículos relacionados con la actualidad o la calidad fotográfica. Una renovación ...
Brightcove Adds HbbTV Support to Video Cloud Online Platform4 June 2014 La plataforma online Video Cloud de Brightcove dispone de compatibilidad para el paquete de encriptación común y los servicios de licencia y gestión de derechos digitales de Microsoft PlayReady y ...
BIT Broadcast 2014 continues to be the benchmark of the audiovisual environment with more than 8.000 present29 May 2014 El Salón reunió las novedades de 224 companies of 25 países y recibió la visita de 8.138 Professional. El éxito de convocatoria de los 60 workshops, with more than 3.000 ...
BIT Broadcast 2014 warms up engines to show the latest technological advances in the audiovisual sector16 May 2014 Organizada por IFEMA del 20 to the 22 May, BIT Broadcast presentará las novedades y soluciones tecnológicas de 224 companies belonging to 25 Countries. more than 70 workshops, Presentations, workshops ...
BIT Broadcast 2014: an innovative event around more than 75 professional workshops and live solutions19 March 2014 Nuevos contenidos y actividades en torno a un escenario de experiencias en campos como la captación, I am a student, IPTV, emission, radio, film industry, producción para TV, postproduction, digital signage y soluciones ...
IE Business School optimizes its CPD with Cisco UCS platform19 March 2014 La escuela de negocios IE Business School cuenta con un nuevo centro de proceso de datos con tecnología de Cisco que le permite optimizar sus aplicaciones críticas y hacer frente ...
Flumotion presentará en eShow Barcelona la solución de vídeo marketing Enterprise Video Platform7 March 2014 La empresa de servicios de streaming Flumotion aprovechará su asistencia a la feria eShow de Barelona, to be held on 12 and 13 March, para dar a conocer su ...
Christie analyzes the success of its new projection and visualization solutions presented at ISE 20146 March 2014 Christie's presence at ISE 2014, was an opportunity for the company to showcase its most innovative technology for the projection and visualization market. An offer, What ...
Sony breaks technological limits with the first theatrical broadcast in 4K technology4 March 2014 National Theatre Live, una iniciativa del Teatro Nacional de Londres para emitir actuaciones en directo en pantallas de cine, ha realizado la primera representación teatral mundial en tecnología 4K, with ...
Scope,Telenoika and ZZZINC organize the first Creative Programming Meeting around audiovisual28 February 2014 Barcelona is the chosen setting for the celebration, of the 12 to the 15 March, of the first Creative Programming Meeting, dedicated to training, research and experimentation in the field ...