BB Visual Group develops the next generation of B2 software|Virtual Arena 2.019 January 2012 La empresa noruega BB Visual Group ha aplicado una serie de mejoras a su software de información visual B2|Virtual Arena para facilitar a las entidades la compartición de audio, video ...
Akamai Powers Cloud-Based Technology Platform for Live and On-Demand Streaming17 January 2012 Akamai ha incluido nuevos desarrollos en su Red de Alta Definición, una plataforma tecnológica para streaming en directo y bajo demanda que ha demostrado ser capaz de dar soporte a ...
Intronics introduces the Epiphan Lecture Recorder x2 recorder capturer20 December 2011 The accessory dealer, Components, redes y otros productos relacionados con las comunicaciones y conectividad entre sistemas informáticos Intronics ha incorporado a su catálogo el Lecture Recorder x2 de Epiphan ...
The Teatro Real in Madrid broadcasts opera to cinemas in HD with Sapec equipment6 July 2011 El Teatro Real de Madrid llevó a cabo recientemente la transmisión de la ópera 'Las bodas de Fígaro' en directo, vía satélite y en alta definición a salas de cine ...
COFDM in fiber optics5 July 2011 En grandes instalaciones de antenas colectivas SMATV, por ejemplo un campus universitario o en un gran hospital, la fibra óptica se perfila como la solución ideal para transportar señales libres ...
Integrated voice services, data and video from the high seas in the Barcelona World Race25 March 2011 Thanks to Cisco switching technology, It is possible to receive on land, Edit and produce multimedia information in record time (Photos, Videos and video conferences) procedente de los ...
Crambo Visuals, every day stronger in digital signage7 October 2010 The Spinetix HMP-100 player, the smallest on the market, and videowall and large format solutions with Philips brand products with an ultra-thin frame, the new Neo technology ...
AvediaStream E3530: HD encoding for streaming in digital signage20 November 2009 Techex presenta el nuevo AvediaStream E3530 de Exterity, un codificador HD para streaming de contenidos, digital signage y PC. Techex, mayorista de soluciones de vídeo en entornos corporativos para España ...
Techex Introduces New HaiVision Compact Encoder17 November 2009 HaiVision's new Makito encoder, distributed in Spain and Portugal by Techex, supports component and DVI-I video inputs in video resolutions up to 1280x1024 @ 60 hz. ...
HD IPTV and digital signage solutions with ImaginArt23 October 2009 ImaginArt estará presente en Broadcast con sus marcas representadas: Haivision, Vaddio, Cayintech, Brightsing, Hyundai, Sony ISS, Philips, Abtus, Calypso, Epson y Chief, among many others. [caption id="attachment_7476" align="aligncenter" width="605" caption="Chief ...
XProtect Enterprise 7.0: maximum utility in IP video24 August 2009 This solution reduces the time and costs of video surveillance management with configuration wizards and dynamic management functionality for faster deployments, Intuitive operations ...
New version of Verint Nextia IP29 July 2009 Verint Video Intelligence Solutions introduce mejoras en la gestión de usuario, mayor versatilidad de acceso a red IP y diversas opciones de interface. Verint Systems ha presentado la nueva versión ...
Panasonic V10: Internet in the living room26 May 2009 Thanks to the exclusive Viera Cast function, first introduced in Europe, users can access certain Internet content from their living room. To do this, ...