TeamViewer integrates with Microsoft Teams to boost online productivity4 September 2020 Among other advantages for users, adds remote access services and augmented reality support to this environment for online collaboration and meetings. El proveedor de soluciones de ...
Yamaha, Promethean and DisplayNote team up to deliver a complete collaboration solution31 August 2020 The proposal is made up of the CS-700 soundbar, the ActivPanel Titanium Pro 4K interactive touchscreen from 65/75/85 inches and Launcher software, that allows you to start meetings using ...
ClearOne adds new features to its collaboration tool28 August 2020 La solución de videoconferencia basada en la nube Collaborate Space permite que los usuarios puedan ver hasta 49 participantes a la vez en la vista de la galería. ClearOne ha ampliado ...
Lifesize brings its cloud videoconferencing solution to the contact center26 August 2020 Gracias a su solución CxEngage Video, los agentes pueden interactuar por vídeo con los clientes y resolver las incidencias más rápidamente. Su interfaz permite ofrecer servicios remotos de valor añadido ...
Samsung, Logitech merge their technologies to foster collaboration24 August 2020 Esta asociación reúne una completa línea de pantallas de señalización digital y monitores de escritorio de la marca coreana con la amplia cartera de soluciones de videoconferencia de Logitech para ...
Lumens VC-B2U: USB video conferencing for tight spaces21 August 2020 Este equipo web ofrece una calidad de imagen Full HD con un campo de visión de 90º, así como una óptima calidad, independientemente de la condición lumínica de la estancia. Lumens ...
Crestron transforms small business collaboration with Flex MM18 August 2020 Esta solución de videoconferencia ha sido diseñada pensando en los nuevos entornos de trabajo híbridos, salvando la brecha entre el hogar y la oficina. El modelo Flex MM 30 herself ...
Crestron Provides AV Equipment to Young Living Headquarters31 July 2020 In this five-storey building, with more than 200 conference rooms of different sizes, a broad portfolio of Crestron solutions with DM technology has been urged ...
Elo Huddle Kit transforms public spaces into collaborative centres31 July 2020 Distributed in Spain through Macroservice, the kit integrates a conference camera, a Windows i5 module 10 (ECMG4) and a whiteboard. A solution designed for IDS screens ...
The robot 'Pilar' helps to disseminate culture at a distance and in real time at CaixaForum Zaragoza29 July 2020 It is the first institution in Spain to incorporate telepresence technology for use in the cultural field, especially focused at this time for schools and colleges. The Foundation ...
Shure boosts its conference ecosystem with leading collaboration platforms28 July 2020 The company signed technology alliances, as well as product certifications, with the referents of the sector in collaboration, as Microsoft, zoom, Cisco and has joined the Logitech program. The manufacturer ...
ViewSonic myViewBoard Classroom: collaborative environment for 'new normality’ Educational27 July 2020 As an online platform, this hybrid teaching tool provides a seamless transition between physical and virtual spaces, and offers teachers a solution to attract the student of ...
VUC Lyngby solves your distance education needs with Arec23 July 2020 This Danish center has moved its activities to the online environment thanks to the solutions LS-300 Media Station and Rada HDMI to USB Bridge. As many of their students can only attend ...
SPC presents Yealink MeetingEye 400 for secure video conferencing in small rooms20 July 2020 Este 'endpoint' de colaboración proporciona una experiencia de audio y vídeo completa gracias a su cámara 4K de 20 Mp, 8 micrófonos MEMS integrados y un altavoz de alta calidad. spc, ...
NRD Multimedia provides audiovisual technology for Konftel educational centers17 July 2020 The range of solutions, easy to use, ranges from remote classes and distance learning, to classrooms of different sizes and custom configurations. The audiovisual development specialist for ...
Biamp adds Microsoft Teams certification to its audio solutions for meeting rooms15 July 2020 The four new audio kits that this manufacturer has just presented now have this certification to provide an integrated solution in meeting spaces of all sizes. Every ...
Brightline and Logitech add their lighting and AV solutions for video conferencing14 July 2020 Both companies have joined their technological know-how to combine professional Led lighting solutions with those of collaboration platforms for meeting rooms. El fabricante de sistemas de iluminación ...
Microsoft adds capabilities to Teams that enhance virtual collaboration10 July 2020 Redefining the future of work and education is the goal of the update you have made of this collaboration tool. Se busca conseguir que las personas se mantengan ...
Panasonic EQ1 displays integrate with the Cisco Roomkit collaboration tool8 July 2020 La integración de Roomkit proporciona videoconferencia sin interrupciones con unas óptimas condiciones de sonido e imagen, y comandos integrados, sin requerir ninguna configuración. La serie de pantallas EQ1 de Panasonic se ...
Mitsubishi equips its conference room in New York with DynamicX2 by Arthur Holm7 July 2020 La sede la multinacional japonesa en Estados Unidos ha finalizado un proyecto de renovación tecnológica, adjudicado a la filial de PSNI, HB Communications, basándose en una combinación de imagen de ...