Net2phone Huddle: new concept of virtual meetings and videoconferencing8 June 2020 Among the features offered by this solution is its availability in 30 allow audio control of the moderator and participant. Net2phone Huddle es una solución ...
Kinly strengthens its position in video collaboration services with the acquisition of AVMI5 June 2020 This Dutch specialist adds to his international proposal the audiovisual integrator and managed service provider, based in London. Kinly's acquisition of AVMI, company that is ...
Panasonic integrates InfraRed touch technology into its EQ1 interactive displays1 June 2020 Plus a new whiteboard app, this range of visual systems will incorporate from next July the InGlass functionality to improve collaboration. Compact design ...
Charmex offers a complete solution to promote distance education29 May 2020 The bundle is composed of a Traulux interactive monitor from 65 or 75 inches and Android 8.0 Embedded; a PC-OPS i5 module with 8 Gb of RAM, 256 Gb SSD ...
Ricoh develops a comprehensive management and collaboration solution for meeting rooms29 May 2020 Integrated Collaboration Cloud (RICC) includes a virtual assistant, 100% Spanish and with artificial intelligence technology for voice assistance, to help users sooner, during and after ...
Bose ES1 Ceiling Audio Solution earns Microsoft Teams certification27 May 2020 Users of this platform will now benefit from a transparent technological experience, no audio devices on the tables, y de un sonido óptimo en cualquier ...
SPC distributes the professional video conferencing platform in the Yealink Meeting cloud22 May 2020 Solución que admite hasta 500 participantes en cada sesión, en calidad Full HD; mientras que la cuenta gratuita permite reuniones virtuales de dos participantes sin límite de tiempo o de ...
Newline Mira: interactive display for remote collaboration19 May 2020 This all-in-one tactile solution, available at 65, 75 and 86 Inch, integrates four microphones and a Full HD camera for productive meetings and video conferencing. The coronavirus has converted ...
Zoom offers a more secure environment in the new update of its videoconferencing platform15 May 2020 The version 5.0 incorpora soporte para el cifrado AES de 256 bits GCM y las funciones de seguridad, a las que se accedía antes a través de los menús de ...
AVIT Vision incorporates to its offer the platform for control of AV systems of Utelogy13 May 2020 The commercial proposal in Spain of this distributor is expanded with this solution, that integrates audiovisual devices within enterprise IT networks. The Spanish distributor AVIT Vision has reached a ...
PowerAV creates Online Events to deliver virtual events on its multi-connection set12 May 2020 The specialist in audiovisual services adapts to the current times to offer customers tailor-made solutions, in online or hybrid format, para sus presentaciones y eventos de ...
Yamaha Unified Communications helps businesses and employees telecommute8 May 2020 To this end,, ha creado el sitio web Work From Home, desde donde se ofrecen consejos y soporte para que todo funcione con mayor fluidez y puedan adaptarse, of the ...
Zoom acquires Keybase to develop its end-to-end encryption proposition8 May 2020 This transaction accelerates its ninety-day security plan to build an end-to-end encryption solution that reaches the current scalability of daily participants. The company of ...
Crestron sets a new standard of collaboration with its dual CU solution6 May 2020 El nuevo sistema de comunicaciones unificadas Flex MX soporta todo tipo de reuniones en cualquier plataforma, incluyendo la unión con un solo toque para las aplicaciones de Microsoft Teams, zoom ...
Microsoft Teams reaches 75 millions of daily active users during the health crisis5 May 2020 This collaboration platform has connected in a single day more than two hundred million participants, and in the educational field they use it more than 183 institutions. El periodo actual ...
Video conferences are tenfold in Spain during the health crisis4 May 2020 Based on data from Ricoh's UCS Advanced platform, only in the month of March, platform traffic increased by a 500%, and in April Spain ...
Nokia will share its disruptive concept of 'telepresence' at the 5G Virtual Forum30 April 2020 El director de Nokia Bell Labs España, Álvaro Villegas, presentará un disruptivo dispositivo que permite pasar las vídeo llamadas convencionales al ‘teletransporte’. El encuentro 5G Forum, que se celebrará en España ...
Zoom Video chooses Oracle Cloud Infraestructure for its online meeting services29 April 2020 Thanks to this deployment, the enterprise video communications company can support and facilitate the online meeting of millions of participants in a few weeks. La compañía Zoom Video Communications ...
Kramer KR-3000 makes it easy to remotely connect to any meeting space29 April 2020 This collaboration solution enables the integration of other platforms or meeting applications such as Zoom, BlueJeans or Microsoft Teams. Kramer@Work KR-3000 es un sistema de colaboración que facilita la conexión ...
Atlona OME-EX-KIT-LT responds to the needs of collaboration in workspaces27 April 2020 Este extensor 4K/UHD HDMI y USB de la serie Omega combina simplicidad y versatilidad a un precio asequible. Sus capacidades de interfaz y extensión USB 2.0 lo hacen idóneo para ...