Crambo and its partners showcase new AV and collaboration proposals in Madrid13 July 2017 Technological innovation and gastronomy in a modern space, as Madrid's Food Market Barceló, have focused the event that Crambo held yesterday with its Intel partners, Philips, SMART Technologies, Vogel's, ...
Sony presents distributors and customers with the most innovative in collaboration for education and business13 July 2017 En el evento se han podido ver soluciones ya presentes en el mercado como Vision Exchange, y otras que verán la luz en los próximos meses, como la línea TEOS, ...
EzTalks Onion: all-in-one videoconferencing for meetings with up to a hundred attendees online11 July 2017 The company has presented its renewed videoconferencing service during its recent participation in InfoComm 2017 in Orlando, que equipa un objetivo de gran angular de 120º y cámara de ...
Bayer installs an AV infrastructure at its headquarters in London that encourages collaboration and communication6 July 2017 The building has more than 60 common spaces where a wide range of AV devices has been installed, as NEC screens of different formats, Biamp collaboration systems ...
Unicol unites technology and furniture in its AV Furniture range for collaboration spaces6 July 2017 The manufacturer of supports for screens and projectors has taken its knowledge to the design of audiovisual furniture, in which the technology and requirements of each equipment (power access, ...
Polycom consolidates its strategy in Spain with specialization as a business axis5 July 2017 The company's commitment will focus on strengthening its presence in vertical markets such as education, health and the financial environment. In addition, are betting on other sectors such as ...
Ricoh strengthens its presence in the business collaboration market with the purchase of Techno Trends5 July 2017 Following this acquisition, the first of the Ricoh Group at European level in this area of knowledge, both companies open a new joint stage in which they will operate independently ...
Polycom Pano makes it easy to exchange up to four streams of content from any device3 July 2017 This new system allows you to share content securely and wirelessly in real time, no wasted time on connecting different external devices, streamlining work meetings ...
ViewSonic expands its range of interactive 4K ViewBoard displays with the IFP50 touch series28 June 2017 Pensada para salas de juntas y aulas, está línea incluye modelos de 65, 75 and 86 Inch. Estas pantallas están diseñadas con panel táctil de 20 puntos y dotadas de ...
Polycom strengthens integration with Microsoft Office 365 of your voice and video solutions23 June 2017 Con objeto de ayudar a que el vídeo empresarial sea más sencillo de utilizar, el terminal RealPresence Group Series ha sido certificado para Microsoft Skype for Business online en Office ...
Ingram Micro adds Yealink solutions to its Unified Communications division22 June 2017 This manufacturer of SIP terminals and audio conferencing has solutions such as T21P and T27G systems or the T4 series, diseñada para clientes de centralitas y cuyos cuyos modelos incorporan ...
Tecco incorporates Vaddio's collaboration solutions into its commercial offer in Spain21 June 2017 Con la incorporación de las soluciones colaborativas del fabricante estadounidense a su propuesta comercial, la compañía española afianza su alianza con el grupo Milestone AV Technologies, del que ya distribuye ...
Crestron Mercury shows its advantages for collaborative meetings in InfoComm 201715 June 2017 Esta solución de sobremesa ofrece todo lo necesario para que las reuniones sean productivas y transcurran sin problemas, además de compatibilidad con cualquier aplicación de colaboración web. El fabricante ha ...
AV Company markets Minrray video conferencing PTZ cameras14 June 2017 El fabricante chino cuenta con una amplia gama de cámaras para cubrir visualmente salas de reuniones de todos los tamaños, con velocidad de hasta 60 frames per second. Entre las nuevas ...
WePresent remains committed to wireless collaboration with WiCS-21009 June 2017 Este primer dispositivo simplifica aún mas el uso de la presentación, interacción y colaboración entre usuarios mediante cualquier disposivo, mejorando el rendimiento de cualquier espacio donde se trabaja en equipo, ...
Logitech MeetUp: videoconferencing with 4K optical systems for small meeting rooms8 June 2017 Esta compacta cámara ofrece un campo visual super-ancho, of 120 Degrees, de manera que todos los participantes en torno a una mesa de reuniones pequeña son perfectamente visibles. It features ...
Polycom and Zoom Unite Technologies to Foster Collaboration in Meeting Rooms31 May 2017 El resultado de esta alianza es la solución Zoom Connector for Polycom que combina las capacidades de las comunicaciones de vídeo basadas en la nube con los sistemas de videoconferencia ...
InFocus chooses Esprinet Ibérica to distribute its monitors for collaboration environments24 May 2017 With this trade agreement, The manufacturer consolidates its expansion in the growing collaborative room market with its range of large-format touch monitors, al tiempo que el mayorista ...
Newline becomes part of the commercial offer AV Digital Esprinet Ibérica17 May 2017 El fabricante de displays interactivos y soluciones de colaboración y el mayorista han llegado a un acuerdo de distribución para incorporarse a la oferta comercial de este último a través ...
IBM and Harman introduce the concept of voice-operated cognitive rooms12 May 2017 Combining IBM Artificial Intelligence with AKG microphones, JBL speakers and AMX AV control and switching systems connect people with their ...