Luxembourg Parliament modernizes its conference system and migrates to a digital environment31 August 2020 To renovate its old analog infrastructure, a solution integrated with Biamp's AVB conferencing technology and Clockaudio microphones has been installed. specifically, consists of 90 ...
T-Mobilitat trusts RDI with the videowall solution of its new control center20 July 2020 The audiovisual system is based on the ODL solution 721 Barco, configured in 4x2 format, combining NSD electronics 410/210 CMS management ...
The Fashion District of Philadelphia integrates the screens of SNA Displays in its digital signage project3 July 2020 In total, five screens have been installed from this manufacturer. Four of the Empire line abroad, with a pixel pitch of 6,67 Mm, and the fifth in the ...
Riedel's technology becomes the backbone of prudential Center communications17 June 2020 This stadium has replaced its old communications infrastructure with a new signal routing and intercom network, based on MediorNet solutions, Artist and Bolero. Prudential Center, the ...
Crowne Plaza Muscat optimizes customer experience with an end-to-end Exterity solution14 May 2020 More than 332 SmartTV screens with a combination of TV and digital signage. An infrastructure that provides coverage for 295 rooms and seven ...
SDVoE: a simple and powerful AV system designed for the modern era6 May 2020 Defined Video over Ethernet software is revealed as a solution that doesn't require many devices, is economical and meets current and future demands for performance and ...
Lucas Oil Stadium modernizes its digital signage network with an AV over IP solution5 May 2020 A complete infrastructure renovation has been carried out, updating screens and videowall. In addition, everything has been migrated to IP, overcoming the inherent signal and distance limitations ...
5G leaders meet at 5GForum Virtual 202017 April 2020 Registration for this meeting has already been opened, to be held on 6 and 7 May, and that will bring together the main experts, multinationals and operators to make a ...
Work Pro technology brings networked audio transmission to Salvador Bay Airport15 April 2020 The installed solution includes more than 250 Speakers, a power amplifier, an audio matrix, 14 SPS8 microphone bases and 14 DM microphones 115. All IP-controlled ...
This was the further renovation of the AV equipment of the Parliament of Catalonia1 April 2020 Josep Escudé i Pont, Head of the Communication Department, and Daniel Rodríguez, Image and Sound technician of the Parliament of Catalonia, analyze in this videointerview how it has been carried out ...
Fluxys Chooses Matrox KVM Extio Extenders 3 for your monitoring systems27 March 2020 These high-performance IP systems allow the European natural gas operator to group computer equipment, that emit heat and noise, in a secure data center, to the ...
innovaphone makes its collaborative platform available to companies and professionals24 March 2020 For three months and free, The German manufacturer offers its technology so that companies can maintain their communication and productivity without putting the health of their employees at risk. the ...
Ingevideo will supply, install and maintain the videowall for the new CRC Multi-Lion Network20 March 2020 This installation, pioneer in the management of rail traffic for up to three different networks: high speed, conventional network and metric width network (RAM), It will have a large videowall awarded ...
AV Stumpfl integrates into the dome of 'La Maison du Kamouraska'17 March 2020 For the 360° projection of this dome, of almost 11 metre, the Pixera media server and eight Christie DWU1075-GS projectors have been used to map the surface. A camera ...
Malaga's new Soho Theatre uses Adamson and Martin technology6 March 2020 For the sound project, the following have been used: 16 S7 enclosures with Adamson S119 subwoofer, while for microphones, DPA and Wisycom equipment have been chosen. ...
Stonex hosts the first training on Movecat motor control in Spain15 January 2020 Empresas que disponen de material Movecat o instalaciones de ingeniería escénica con productos de la marca han asistido a este curso, organizado por su distribuidor oficial. El nuevo espacio de Stonex ...
Panasonic equips Tokyo National Stadium with complete AV infrastructure8 January 2020 Dos pantallas Led de gran formato, audio systems, digital signage, iluminación y aire acondicionado forman parte de la tecnología que ha integrado en este recinto deportivo, Headquarters of the ...
Econocom inaugurates an innovative showroom where the present and future of the retail sector is shown14 November 2019 In this space, located at the company's headquarters in Madrid, It is sought that the client can know and test the most disruptive technologies that affect the ...
San Antonio College relies on Extron for av infrastructure of its flagship building4 November 2019 Its solutions have allowed to respond to the requirements of each room, where a high-performance AV system was required, that will support a variety of video formats, What ...
The 4K-HDR World Summit in Malaga publishes the agenda of its fifth edition30 October 2019 In total they will be 25 presentations and 4 panels that will take place at the event. Reports will be offered, proposals and visions on this new technology, that for three days brings together ...