One of the largest Buddhist temples in Thailand implements a Televes IPTV system13 May 2016 For this large complex, A telecommunications infrastructure has been designed and implemented that includes distribution of television services over Internet Protocol, Viewing points throughout the ...
Smoke & Mirrors creates a digital audio matrix, video and USB over an IP network with AdderLink12 May 2016 Los extensores AdderLink Infinity han ayudado en el traslado de las nuevas oficinas de la compañía de efectos visuales y post-producción que precisaba que sus recursos informáticos high-end estuvieran disponibles en ...
Las Fuerzas Armadas suecas optan por la proyección láser para proteger su información confidencial6 May 2016 El proyector láser 3LCD VPL-FHZ55 de Sony responde a sus requerimientos, ya que es un equipo protegido contra espionaje electrónico que reproduce imágenes brillantes en WUXGA con gran nivel de ...
Ericsson performs the digital transformation of its business processes with 3DExperience6 May 2016 The industry solution experience Business Operation Excellence, using Enovia apps, It will provide you with a unified digital environment that will increase transparency, traceability, creación de informes y flexibilidad del ...
A 'Symphony of Lights' full of life every afternoon at HSBC headquarters in Hong Kong4 May 2016 Para esta instalación permanente se han diseñado tres pantallas gigantes, integradas en la fachada de cristal del edificio, que se han convertido en un vehículo de comunicación de la entidad ...
Albalá's technology helps the live and 4K broadcast of the opera Parsifal21 April 2016 El equipamiento para la producción en ultra alta resolución que Albala Ingenieros ha suministrado integra puertos electroópticos EOP2000 y preselectores HVP3000, que facilitarán el transporte de las señales entre la ...
RCD Espanyol integrates a Polycom videoconferencing system into its boardroom11 April 2016 La infraestructura que se ha utilizado para la realización de este proyecto está integrada por el sistema de videoconferencia IP Polycom Real Presence 700, un proyector NEC de 4.000 Lumens, ...
The University of Malaga renews the audiovisual equipment of its classrooms8 April 2016 The project, del que se ha encargado Vitelsa, ha integrado la renovación tecnológica de más de 50 de las aulas del centro docente, ubicadas en seis edificios distintos pertenecientes al ...
The LCT ONE project is dassault Systèmes' latest 3DExperiencity initiative1 April 2016 This platform provides real-time data on building use and technical aspects to optimize energy efficiency and occupancy. This initiative covers architecture, Infrastructure, ...
The first edition of Mira Berlin will host a workshop focused on Fulldome 360º projects29 March 2016 The Fulldome Workshop 360º will cover all the aspects required to create a 360º audiovisual project, as well as the technical approach and mapping of Mira Dome. Watch Live ...
UNESCO's Paris Headquarters Adds Panasonic's AV Technology to Its Conference Room16 March 2016 Para optimizar las funciones que se realizan en la sala más grande de esta sede se ha instalado el proyector DLP de 3 chip and 20.000 lúmenes PT-DZ21KEJ, the camera ...
Vitelsa is in charge of the maintenance of the AV equipment of the Museo Reina Sofía11 March 2016 El alcance del contrato incluye la prestación de servicios de mantenimiento de todo el equipamiento audiovisual y de comunicaciones, así como de la asistencia técnica a todos los actos y ...
Riedel connects av equipment used by athem of the Seas cruiser for his shows9 March 2016 An all-in-one solution allows connection, management and distribution of multimedia signals that affect both the IPTV services of this great Royal Caribbean ocean liner and ...
ETH Zurich University renews its digital signage network with 120 BrightSign players4 March 2016 El campus tiene instaladas un gran número de pantallas de NEC y Samsung, así como proyectores de Panasonic. Los media player XD1030 y XD1032 de BrightSign se encargan de proporcionar ...
Navori optimizes content flow in large digital signage deployments3 March 2016 The new modules Navori has added to its QL software, Load Balancing, Failover and CDN, facilitate the distribution of content in digital signage networks that integrate a large ...
Drones and unmanned helicopters from Indra and Inaer will boost the new Technological Center of Rozas29 February 2016 With an investment of 115 millions of euros, this pioneering project in Europe, awarded to the joint proposal of Indra and Inaer in a public tender, will be developed entirely in Galicia, ...
Clear-Com goes to ISE 2016 with its innovative intercom solutions for AV9 February 2016 The new version 3.0 of your software for HelixNet, the Agent-IC mobile app, the DX410 wireless intercom system and the family of connectivity devices for connecting systems ...
Everis markets Net4things platform to bring IoT to telecoms, utilities and insurers3 February 2016 The signed agreement will allow everis to integrate Net4Things solutions into its catalog so that any service provider can improve its offer, incorporating IoT services as part of its portfolio, ...
Avcast renews the AV team of the Faculty of Philology of the Complutense of Madrid22 January 2016 El paraninfo de la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid dispone de un nuevo sistema de proyección con un equipo Epson EB-G6550WU y una gran pantalla de 4x4 ...
The business segment and IoT, keys to Intel's business growth in 20168 January 2016 In a meeting held with the press in Madrid, Intel has advanced the growth forecasts of 2016, that hopes to achieve a 5%, especially supported by the IoT business ...