An advanced AV infrastructure brings the Birthplace of Country Music to life27 January 2015 The cradle of country music has an appointment at the museum that opened its doors last year in the city of Bristol. The Birthplace of Country Music is ...
A digital signage network optimizes communications at Utrech City Hall22 January 2015 The digital signage project, implemented in the City Council of Utrecht, will be presented at ISE 2015. In this infrastructure, the following have been used 34 large-format LCD screens and the ...
Our Dynamic Earth museum relies on Electrosonic for AV solutions from Scotland's Time Lords exhibition15 January 2015 Samsung Screens, Optoma and Projectiondesign projectors, and AMX control systems are some of the solutions that have been used to bring the new attraction to life ...
New York advances in its transformation as a smart city with the largest WiFi network in the world in digital totems13 January 2015 The CityBridge consortium of companies, responsible for the LinkNYC project to replace the near 10.000 New York City pay phones by 8.400 WiFi access points located ...
'Smartquesinas': smart furniture for the citizen on Barcelona's Paseo de Gracia29 December 2014 Barcelona City Council already has eight new 'smartquesinas' located at the Bus Stops on Passeig de Gràcia, as part of the rehabilitation works of this ...
Cisco and Toshiba join their technologies to create IoE developments for Smart Cities23 December 2014 The alliance signed with Cisco will help Toshiba to advance in the development of its 'Human Smart Community' vision, which will result in safer smart communities, healthy and comfortable. culm ...
RTVE integrates videoconferencing services, telephony and data in your comprehensive communications network19 December 2014 The network that unifies the corporate and technical communications of RTVE connects the headquarters and allows to manage the traffic of video signals, audio, IP traffic and internal communications. now, ...
Samsung SSP and Signagelive's cloud software optimize StubHub Center's digital signage network15 December 2014 The StubHub Center has replaced its traditional signage system with a digital signage network developed with the Samsung Smart Platform Signage solution (ssp) and the software based on the ...
Vint-Sogeti Report: smart cities will generate around the IoE an investment of 87.000 millions of euros10 December 2014 The Fourth Report on the Internet of Things (Iot), prepared by the Vint de Sogeti Institute, points out that this environment will generate a turnover of 596.000 million euros up to ...
Telefónica eHealth and Carestream develop a digital medical imaging service for the Quirón Hospital Group28 November 2014 El Grupo Quirón ha implantado un servicio de imagen médica digital en la nube, desarrollado por Telefonía eHealth en colaboración con Carestream, que permite el acceso a los estudios radiológicos ...
Companies are betting on IoT as a way to face strategic and operational challenges26 November 2014 Las compañías globales están apostando por el despliegue de soluciones de Internet de las cosas, según un estudio de Forrester Consulting. La localización en tiempo real por WiFi y los ...
Con Maevex, los visitantes del HKCAD comparten la experiencia de los controladores aéreos en Hong Kong24 November 2014 Los visitantes que acuden al Departamento de Aviación Civil de Hong Kong pueden ver lo mismo que los controladores de tráfico aéreo, gracias al sistema de codificadores y decodificadores H.264 ...
Smart City Expo 2014 closes its most global edition with the participation of 242 Exhibitors21 November 2014 La cuarta edición de Smart City Expo World Congress, la cumbre mundial de ciudades inteligentes que organiza Fira de Barcelona, se clausuró ayer con las mejores cifras registradas hasta ahora, ...
Barcelona is committed to Intelligent and Ornamental LED lighting from Philips21 November 2014 A Philips intelligent lighting solution is being installed on Avenida Paral·lel in Barcelona and is managed remotely from the control centre. Unos sistemas que incorporan ...
Abertis Telecom materializa la eficiencia de sus plataformas de gestión y movilidad en Smart City Expo 201420 November 2014 Smart City Expo World Congress 2014 está concentrando las propuestas de referentes mundiales para el desarrollo de las ciudades inteligentes, como la de Abertis Telecom, que presenta estos días plataformas ...
Secartys presents at Smart City Expo the national technological platform of home automation and smart cities, Smart City Plat19 November 2014 La Plataforma Tecnológica de Domótica y Ciudades inteligentes, Smart City Plat, que ha sido aprobada recientemente por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, será presentada por Secartys en el congreso ...
Telefónica will create an area to define alliances and accelerate the adoption of digital processes in cities18 November 2014 Convertirse en socio de referencia de las instituciones públicas para acelerar la adopción de los procesos digitales en las ciudades es el objetivo que se ha planteado Telefónica en el ...
Cisco lleva su propuesta del Internet of Everything a Smart City Expo 201418 November 2014 La cuarta edición del congreso mundial Smart City Expo, que abre hoy sus puertas en Fira de Barcelona hasta el 20 November, cuenta con la participación de Cisco y ...
Indrá will show at Smart City Expo 2014 the potential of augmented reality and its commitment to security17 November 2014 In the Smart Plaza, Indra will have its own space where it will hold demonstrations that will highlight the potential offered by augmented reality, 3D modeling and geolocation ...
Ericsson has shown in the 'Innovation Days' its commitment to R+D13 November 2014 Las jornadas Innovations Days, que ha organizado Ericsson, han puesto de relieve la transformación de las redes y los retos a los que se enfrentan operadores, universities, fabricantes y escuelas ...