The rock art of the Valltorta ravine can be enjoyed in 3D3 December 2012 A group of researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) works on the cataloguing in three dimensions of the cave paintings of the Valltorta, un paraje de la provincia ...
LuminAR, a new system that turns any surface into a touch screen30 November 2012 Researchers at the MIT Media Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Us.) han desarrollado LuminAR, un sistema que sustituye la bombilla de una lámpara por un sistema mucho más avanzado ...
Hyundai utiliza un test de conducción virtual para dar a conocer el nuevo i3030 November 2012 Para lanzar en Sudáfrica la nueva generación del i30 de la marca automovilística Hyundai, la agencia iLogic ha planteado un juego virtual interactivo en tiempo real a través de un ...
New 'Infinite Hall’ of Testo, a giant interactive screen of 80″ with direct access to more than 11.000 toys29 November 2012 La cadena de tiendas de autoservicio Tesco ha tenido una genial idea para aprovechar el digital signage y el poder de persuasión de los niños a la hora de hacer ...
Barcelona metro opens virtual stores27 November 2012 Dos estaciones del metro de Barcelona, La Sagrera y Diagonal, han estrenado puntos de compra virtual en los que se puede comprar mediante una aplicación instalada en el teléfono móvil, ...
Create a virtual walk-in closet based on Kinect23 November 2012 ESNE, el centro de Diseño e Innovación adscrito a la Universidad Camilo José Cela, ha aprovechado su presencia en el 'II Encuentro de Inspiración y Networking: Efecto Kinect' organizado por ...
Diode introduces Motorola's HC1, a Headset Computer with "hands-free" operation22 November 2012 La empresa distribuidora de componentes y subsistemas electrónicos, Diode, ha incorporado a su catálogo el Headset Computer HC1 de Motorola, un ordenador profesional que responde a comandos de voz y ...
Microsoft holds a meeting on Kinect applications in medicine, retail, fashion or education22 November 2012 The Second Kinect Effect Inspiration and Networking Meeting organized by Microsoft has brought together representatives from various fields such as medicine in Madrid, The Retail Sector, education and ...
McDonald's uses Paradigm AV gesture control to deliver interactive ground games22 November 2012 La cadena de comida rápida McDonald's ha incorporado en 150 de sus restaurantes del Reino Unido una serie de instalaciones de juegos interactivos multimedia de suelo con tecnología de control ...
Infaimon offers 3DExpress software for 3D computer vision easily and easily22 November 2012 The distributor of computer vision and image analysis systems and components, Infamy, has incorporated into its product catalog the 3DExpress of AQSENSE, un software de proceso previo ...
Eristoff transforms the façade of a building into a giant video game with interactive mapping19 November 2012 Belgian creative agency Design is Dead has used 3D videomapping to create an interactive gaming experience for vodka brand Eristoff on the façade of a ...
Mapp3 contributes its audiovisual technology in the presentation of the new shirt of the Spanish football team12 November 2012 Adidas and the Spanish Football Federation have presented the new shirt of the National Team for the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 with an audiovisual montage that takes a tour of ...
Los autobuses madrileños prueban una tecnología 3D en lengua de signos para mejorar la accesibilidad30 October 2012 La Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid está realizando pruebas con un sistema experimental de conversión y generación automática de lengua de signos, simulando acciones de atención a clientes con ...
Cannes schools incorporate an educational model in 3D virtual environments29 October 2012 The French city of Cannes will begin to experiment with 3D in four primary schools, where 120 students of 9 and 10 años va a utilizar las tres dimensiones ...
Nuria Roca becomes an angel in 'El Hormiguero'’ thanks to the 'Light Paint'’ of Cubensis26 October 2012 Presenter Nuria Roca and her husband, fellow journalist Juan del Val, have attended the Antena3 program 'El Hormiguero', in which the character of the show 'The Man' ...
Virtual COB Outreach Project, the technology of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography in three dimensions25 October 2012 The Spanish Institute of Oceanography has developed the COB Virtual project, thanks to which a series of animations have been developed in three dimensions of the main equipment they use ...
In London, rain does not wet24 October 2012 El 3D Barbican Center londinense ofrece una excitante experiencia llamada 'Rain Room' (Rain Room), An exhibition that combines art, ciencia y tecnología para conseguir que llueva y que ...
everis develops a 3D photorealism app for radiation control at nuclear power plants24 October 2012 everis, consultora multinacional que ofrece soluciones de negocio, strategy, desarrollo y mantenimiento de aplicaciones tecnológicas y outsourcing, ha creado un sistema de fotorealismo en 3D que permite realizar controles y ...
An invitation to dream of Casa Batlló and its dreamlike shapes22 October 2012 La Casa Batlló, Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece, Celebrates 10 years of cultural visits and wanted to share it with the whole city of Barcelona with a 3D mapping on ...
Telefónica and elBulli Foundation create a new virtual application for haute cuisine19 October 2012 Telephone, with the collaboration of elBulli Foundation and Microsoft's Kinect technology, has created an app that boosts creativity and culinary experimentation through gesture control and ...