Bodega Finca San Blas installs a virtual store in the center of Valencia3 September 2012 Las tiendas virtuales con códigos QR se están convirtiendo en algo cada vez más habitual. La Bodega Finca San Blas, una pequeña empresa familiar que dispone de 83 hectáreas de ...
A virtual reality system allows to distract the fear of pain in patients31 August 2012 Un sistema de realidad virtual desarrollado por la empresa española Nesplora y bautizado con el nombre de 'Isla Calma', permite distraer el miedo al dolor y el dolor mismo de ...
Nissan experiments with a virtual showroom using Microsoft's Kinect28 August 2012 Nissan and Critical Mass, an Omnicom digital marketing agency, are testing a new virtual showroom that uses Microsoft's Kinect for Windows technology. The challenge: No ...
Lil Wayne presents his new streetwear brand with 3D mapping on mannequins27 August 2012 Rapper Lil Wayne has chosen a striking way to launch his new skateboard clothing line, 'Trukfit', in the disco 1 Oak Nightclub in Las Vegas (Us.), Using ...
Point-of-sale advertising takes a turn of the screw in Ibiza's Privilege lounge27 August 2012 El laboratorio de ingeniería interactiva Famori ha instalado en la discoteca Privilege de Ibiza una barra interactiva que presenta diferentes efectos con el contacto del cliente. La marca de bebida energética Burn ...
Renault Megane III comes to life with Dataton Watchout23 August 2012 La empresa especializada en la organización de eventos Omagica ha suministrado el software de presentación multi-imagen Watchout de Dataton al acto de presentación del nuevo Renault Megane III en las ciudades ...
Audi mounts interactive showroom in Copenhagen22 August 2012 The German car brand Audi has wanted technology to speak in the innovative showroom that has mounted in the Danish city of Copenhagen, where a ...
Una empresa sevillana crea unas gafas que recrean escenarios históricos de la capital hispalense22 August 2012 El proyecto 'Past View, una mirada al Futuro', desarrollado por la empresa Alminar Servicios Culturales, es una experiencia sensorial que permite un viaje virtual en el tiempo por la ciudad ...
They develop a system that can measure objects in 3D with just a camera and a projector17 August 2012 A team from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), A Japanese public research institution, has devised a new motion capture system that allows you to measure ...
The MAC Empúries hosts a virtual exhibition on the last hours of Pompeii and Herculaneum16 August 2012 Through reconstructions, multisensory effects, virtual interfaces, Holograms, interactive systems and a unique 3D projection in the world with three-dimensional sound and special effects, the MAC Monographic Museum ...
Renova allows users of the Lisbon and Porto Metro to order toilet paper from the platform13 August 2012 La marca de papel higiénico Renova ha realizado una original acción en Portugal por la que propone a los usuarios de dos estaciones de los metros de Lisboa (Marquês do ...
Tesco installs a virtual supermarket at Gatwick Airport9 August 2012 The British multinational Tesco has launched a virtual shopping experience at London's Gatwick Airport, where travelers, before your flight, pueden adquirir artículos a través ...
Microsoft develops revolutionary projection technology that enables remote collaboration8 August 2012 Microsoft se encuentra trabajando en un puente físico y digital llamado IllumiShare, que es una mezcla de proyector y cámara conectado a la red, permitiendo a los usuarios mostrar objetos ...
They install a virtual customs broker at the U.S.-Mexico border. USA. and Mexico8 August 2012 Homeland Security's Department of Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) from the USA USA. has installed in the city of Nogales a virtual control agent that speaks and understands ...
Gillette performs a light and water show to support the U.S. Olympic team. USA.7 August 2012 Gillette, Procter company brand & Gamble, has created a series of light screens projected onto Boston buildings that culminated in video footage of swimmer Ryan ...
CAVE2: the next generation of virtual reality for immersive simulation7 August 2012 At the end of the year, the University of Illinois will present cave2 to the general public, a virtual reality system based on 3D techniques composed of 72 Screens, 20 Speakers, 10 cameras ...
'Simulacra’ transforms a neo-Gothic church with the power of light2 August 2012 The Light Harvest Studio group has used the video mapping technique to project onto the surface of an abandoned neo-Gothic church in Brooklin (New York, Us.) as part of the ...
Newark Airport Installs Virtual Assistant to Inform Travelers31 July 2012 El aeropuerto Newark Liberty (New Jersey, Us.) ha instalado en la terminal B una asistente virtual en forma de holograma programada para responder a las preguntas más frecuentes formuladas por ...
Madrid 2020 promotes its Olympic bid in London through a presentation 2.031 July 2012 Madrid presenta estos días en la Casa de España en Londres -que durante los Juegos Olímpicos actuará como sede oficial de la delegación española- su candidatura para las Olimpiadas del ...
GE Healthcare presents a 'tour'’ virtual by the polyclinic of the Olympic Village of London27 July 2012 El proveedor de tecnología de imagen e información médica, GE Healthcare, ha hecho público un 'tour' virtual de la Policlínica de la Villa Olímpica de los Juegos de Londres 2012, ...