Spanish technology in the technical development and museographic integration of The Founder's Memorial26 April 2018 Acciona Productions and Design (APD) has been in charge of these areas in this memorial that has just opened its doors in Abu Dhabi, in honor of the founder and first ...
Spanish technology and creation at Bahrain's new tourism show20 February 2018 Acciona Producciones y Diseño ha sido elegida por el Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonio de Bahréin para crear y realizar este espectáculo audiovisual nocturno. Desde el pasado mes de enero, in ...
Acciona participates in the Shindagha museum project that highlights the history and culture of Dubai19 January 2018 Promoted by Dubai Municipality, This project includes a set of historic houses in which the most innovative technologies of experimentation and interactivity will be combined through multisensory installations. ...
The Hinge Door will come to life with a videomaping that will focus the Christmas program of Toledo20 December 2017 El espectáculo audiovisual ‘Toledo tiene Estrella. La Juguetería Mágica’ combinará proyecciones 3D, música y efectos especiales con láser. Para su puesta en escena se utilizarán cuatro proyectores de 22.000 Lumens ...
Fatima concludes its centenary celebrations with a light and sound show6 October 2017 En la fachada de la Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Rosario se ofrecerá una presentación audiovisual que combina la proyección de videomapping con efectos en 3D, efectos lumínicos y banda ...
Santiago de Compostela celebrates the night of the Fires of the Apostle with an audiovisual and pyrotechnic show24 July 2017 The design and execution of the project has been carried out by Acciona Producciones y Diseño that will offer projections with three-dimensional effects made under the mapping technique, lighting 360 degrees and ...
BGL performs AV integration of three of astana Expo pavilions 20174 July 2017 In Spain he has installed an explanatory mural and immersive audiovisuals that provide the visitor with a more dynamic and interactive experience; while in the United Arab Emirates ...
The House of European History opens its doors to show its legacy with AV technology6 June 2017 The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, has opened this museum in the Eastman building in Brussels, whose design and technical development has been carried out by the Spanish company APD, that collects ...
The Spanish Pavilion in Astana 2017 include immersive and sensory audiovisuals3 May 2017 Enmarcado en el tema de la Expo ‘Energía para el futuro’ presentará en su interior un mural digital explicativo y su espacio central estará concebido como una gran plaza que ...
Ali Bin Ali Group chooses APD to present its Laffan refinery with a 360º visual spectacle 2 in Doha21 April 2017 The Qatari group has selected the Spanish company to design and execute the international presentation of its new refinery, with a 360º immersive audiovisual show, Virtual reality technology and a ...
APD will execute the exhibition area of the National Pavilion of Kazakhstan at Expo Astana 201718 April 2017 The company will intervene in two of the levels of the main building: On the first level will run the exhibition area (from 2.400m2), dedicated to the host country Kazakhstan, and in the second ...
APD collaborates in the museographic work dedicated to Olusegun Obasanjo9 March 2017 El Museo de Olusegun Obasanjo en Abeokuta tiene como objetivo conmemorar el legado del que fuera presidente de Nigeria en dos ocasiones. Acciona Producciones y Diseño se ha encargado de ...
Acciona Producciones y Diseño will hold the Spanish Pavilion at the Astana Expo 20176 March 2017 With a surface of 868 m2 en los que se mostrará el pasado, presente y futuro de la explotación de los recursos naturales en España, así como el uso sostenible ...
Boris Yeltsin Presidential Centre: interactive and immersive museum facility around former Russian president4 February 2016 The opening of this center dedicated to the figure of the first president of the Russian Federation and to the historical events of the decade of the 90 it has the ...
Panasonic shows what is the future of visual technology in the museum environment26 November 2015 La tecnología visual y el business intelligence han centrado la atención del evento Panasonic Museum Solution Day que se ha celebrado en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona. one ...
An interactive 3D mapping, protagonist of the X edition of the EuBea of Seville18 November 2015 Un mapping interactivo tridimensional, desarrollado por Acciona en colaboración con BackBird, se convirtió en la gran atracción del European Best Event Awards 2015. A projection, realizada sobre una escultura de ...
The Heritage House-Museums show the history of Qatar through AV techniques27 October 2015 El desarrollo técnico y ejecución del proyecto museístico de las Casas-Museo del Patrimonio en Doha ha sido realizado por Acciona Producciones y Diseño que ha dotado a los cuatro edificios ...
The values of Spain are displayed in Berlin in 3D videomapping format1 September 2015 La emblemática Potsdamer Platz de Berlín es el marco escogido para presentar ‘España Heute’, un espectáculo de proyección en 3D, luz y sonido para dar a conocer la Marca España, ...
The Fires of the Apostle 2015 more immersive than ever14 August 2015 Thanks to the innovative 360º recording technology, Thousands of people were able to enjoy, using your computer or mobile device, of the spectacle of the Fires of the Apostle 2015 as if they were ...
Katara Plaza Doha Introduces Itself to the World with an Immersive Screening Event16 March 2015 El grupo qatarí Ali Bin Ali Group ha seleccionado a Acciona Producciones y Diseño para diseñar y ejecutar la presentación internacional del proyecto Katara Plaza, un complejo comercial, cultural y ...