AV Stumpfl supplies its technology for the world's tallest display at the Oberhausen Gasometer26 July 2024 The installation Planet Ozean highlights the large-scale immersive work Die Welle, centered on a rising AV Stumpfl Flex Contrast PRO projection screen 40 ...
Ars Electrónica and Epson generate a 'wave' of 1.200 m2 of immersive projection at Planet Ocean5 April 2024 Located in the highest showroom in Europe, the immersive element of this exhibition around the beauty and life of the ocean is 'The Wave', created by ...
The experimentation room of the NHM in Vienna attracts the visitor with a large Led videowall by Leyard3 June 2022 Leyard's video wall of 20 m2 has been installed on the Deck 50, a space that invites you to discover, test and acquire knowledge. The Natural History Museum (NHM) of ...
The Materia Museum of Mexico offers 8K visual experiences with Christie Mirage17 September 2020 'Cubo Negro 8K' es una instalación interactiva que ofrece proyecciones con contenido científico, artístico y tecnológico. Para dar vida a esta iniciativa se han utilizado ocho proyectores Mirage 304K, What ...
The citizens of Zaragoza participate in a social project that will be shown on the digital façade Ethiopia10 October 2014 La fachada digital de Etopía Centro de Arte y Tecnología de Zaragoza mostrará la performance del proyecto United Colors of Dissent, ganador de la segunda edición de Paseo Project, for ...
PNY's Nvidia Quadro K4000 card shows all its possibilities on the screens of Vienna Airport20 December 2013 El aeropuerto de Viena ha sustituido su sistema de publicidad, basado en diapositivas, por una solución de señalización digital donde las tarjetas gráficas Nvidia Quadro K4000 de PNY son las ...
Project Walk 2013 rewards the citizen interaction of 'United Colors of Dissent' on the LED façade of the Ethiopia Center in Zaragoza22 October 2013 La segunda edición del concurso 'Paseo Project: nuevos modelos creativos de experimentar la ciudad' han reconocido la creatividad e interactuación del proyecto United Colors of Dissent. This contest, convocado por la ...