European digital signage integrator Trison could go on sale3 May 2022 According to the European consulting firm Invidis, Spanish financial investor Portobello plans to sell the stake of the 70% that it has in the Spanish digital signage integrator Trison, whose assessment by the ...
Grupo Trison strengthens its position in Europe with the acquisition of the British Beaver Group14 May 2019 With this operation, The Spanish company consolidates its position in the European market for the digitalisation of physical spaces and integration, after the purchase of the French company TMM Communication in October 2015, ...
Ikea apuesta por las soluciones de montaje AV de Vogel’s para sus establecimientos27 August 2018 El especialista Beaver Group ha instalado con los soportes profesionales de Vogel’s más de setecientas pantallas y menús digitales, proyectores y puntos interactivos. La multinacional sueca de artículos para el hogar ...
Ikea uses NEC's projection and display solutions for the digital experience of its stores17 April 2018 While with the P502HL-2 projector it is possible to create a more realistic atmosphere in the exhibition, el PX803UL forma parte de una experiencia interactiva que ayuda al cliente a elegir ...