Caverin provides AV equipment to Globalia's offices in Mallorca19 March 2015 A videowall, which aims to play content on a multi-screen basis through Eyevis' Eyecom software, and Bose audio equipment are some of the elements that make up ...
Led display solution for shop windows from Caverin Solutions10 March 2015 The audiovisual wholesaler Caverin Solutions offers a turnkey solution for semi-outdoor LED display, Specifically designed to be placed in storefronts and withstand high light conditions. The Led solution ...
Put a videowall in your hotel26 February 2015 Los establecimientos hoteleros buscan cada vez más ofrecer a clientes y visitantes una experiencia diferencial, tanto en sus servicios como de su entorno y comunicación, donde los equipos visuales de ...
Caverin Solutions increases a 30% your turnover at the end of the year 201418 February 2015 A sound policy of investment in resources and agreements, as well as diversification into new business areas have been key in the growth of the AV wholesaler's business and ...
Caverin supplies a Led display with pixel pitch of 2,5 Mm, the smallest so far in Spain13 January 2015 The wholesaler Caverin Solutions has supplied an Absen LED screen with pixel pich 2,5 Mm, to date the smallest in Spain, that could be seen in the ...
Caverin Solutions presents its proposal of solutions and screens for meeting rooms19 December 2014 The objective of the wholesaler Caverin Solutions with this new proposal of solutions for meeting rooms is to improve connectivity and communication through the AirMedia solution ...
The Led Display takes the street25 November 2014 Las nuevas tendencias en publicidad exterior con sistemas de visualización dinámica outdoor y las oportunidades de negocio que abre este segmento de mercado son los puntos que analiza Lorenzo Herranz, ...
DES'14: Caverin debate on the future of digital advertising that seeks large-format media and interactive dynamic content14 November 2014 In the day that Caverin organized the past 12 November in Madrid, in the second edition of the Digital Experience Show, experts from the AV sector shared with the attendees their ...
Caverin Solutions shows its value proposition before more than two hundred AV professionals in DES'201414 November 2014 Exceeding your expectations of 'going beyond digital signage', 230 professionals in the audiovisual sector have shown their interest in knowing and participating in the value proposition of the wholesaler ...
Kramer presents at Digital Experience Show 2014 the Via Collage collaboration solution12 November 2014 Via Collage is a wireless presentation and collaboration system that allows you to connect, Collaborate and engage from different devices. This is the solution that Kramer is unveiling at the ...
Aopen participates in Digital Experience Show 2014 with its new 4K content player7 November 2014 Digital Engine DE7200, el nuevo reproductor multimedia 4K desarrollado por Aopen, será una de las novedades que esta compañía mostrará a los profesionales del sector audiovisual el próximo 12 of ...
Jaime Villanueva, Caverin Solutions: "in DES'14 we anticipate the audiovisual future with an integrated offer"4 November 2014 With the premise of 'going beyond digital signage', the Spanish wholesaler Caverin Solutions, specialized in AV solutions and energy efficiency, summons all professionals interested in wearing it ...
Caverin Solutions discusses with industry experts the main challenges of the AV sector in Spain27 October 2014 Como antecedente de los temas que se debatirán en el evento Digital Experience Show 2014 organizado por Caverin Solutions, algunos de los expertos que participarán en el mismo, the next ...
Digital Experience Show 2014: Caverin Solutions invites the sector to go beyond digital signage16 October 2014 The next 12 November, el mayorista de valor en audiovisuales y eficiencia energética Caverin Solutions organiza en Madrid la segunda edición de su evento ‘Digital Experience Show: further ...
Caverin Solutions consolidates its business with a growth of the 35% of invoicing in Q310 October 2014 The policy of agreements and partnerships carried out in recent years by Caverin Solutions, Spanish wholesaler of AV solutions and energy efficiency, has yielded positive results in its business, after ...
El mayorista Caverin Solutions distribuirá los sistemas de Aopen para el mercado de digital signage7 October 2014 El acuerdo de distribución entre el fabricante Aopen y el mayorista Caverin Solutions está focalizado en el mercado de digital signage para ofrecer una completa plataforma de soluciones hardware, software ...
LED and OLED Lighting Market Trends for 201428 January 2014 La positiva evolución en el mercado de la iluminación LED, la paulatina transformación de esta industria en un servicio y la incorporación de la tecnología OLED son algunas de las ...
Barceló Group relies on LG's LED technology to renew the lighting system of its hotels in Spain14 November 2013 Barceló Hotels & Resorts, la división hotelera de Barceló Corporación Empresarial, ha elegido las soluciones y sistemas LED de LG para renovar el sistema de iluminación de sus hoteles en ...
Wholesaler Caverin Solutions strengthens its workforce to develop the LED lighting business16 September 2013 Cuatro nuevos profesionales han entrado a formar parte del equipo del mayorista tecnológico y de iluminación Led Caverin Solutiones, para reforzar este último negocio y abrir un nuevo canal de ...
Caverin Solutions equips with LG screens the new Only You hotel & Lounge Madrid5 September 2013 El proveedor tecnológico y mayorista Caverin Solutions ha instalado equipamiento audiovisual de LG Electronics en el nuevo hotel Only You & Lounge Madrid. La cadena Palladium Hotel Group, propietaria del nuevo ...