Philips Display and Deneva star in the digital signage network of Trasmediterránea21 May 2018 The digital signage network of the shipping company Trasmediterránea allows to offer a personalized and interactive experience of communication and services to passengers. Digital transformation and the Internet have revolutionized the ...
Icon Multimedia entrusts Viola Roseby with Deneva's business in Latam and North America6 March 2018 The new director of business development for the digital signage system Deneva will develop new markets on the continent. In the framework of its 25th anniversary, the Spanish technology company ...
Icon Multimedia to take ISE 2018 your digital signage solution Deneva under BrightSign23 January 2018 El desarrollador español de digital signage refuerza, In addition, su integración con Embedded Signage de Toshiba, para forjar sus alianzas internacionales en el sector audiovisual. La participación de Icon Multimedia en ISE ...
Trasmediterránea celebrates its centenary with a clear commitment to dynamic digital communication17 November 2017 La innovación y la mejora de la experiencia de sus pasajeros marcan la actividad de los cien años de la naviera, que se concreta en una red de digital signage, ...
Icon Multimedia integrates its digital signage software with BrightSign media players3 October 2017 Esta alianza permite a la firma americana ofrecer a sus clientes la solución Deneva, para la gestión y reproducción de contenidos, al tiempo que facilita a su fabricante la posibilidad ...
"In LG we bet on the channel to offer a quality digital signage to the customer", Pablo Gomez, B2B display4 March 2016 Provide a high quality visual solution in any business environment is the maximum of developments in professional digital signage screens (4K, outside, Windows, Etc) of the ...
DenevaDS is present at ISE 2016 hand in hand with Casadevall, LG and Quividi12 February 2016 En los stands de estos fabricantes, la plataforma de digital signage DenevaDS está mostrando sus funcionalidades, potencial y capacidad de integración de su plataforma con sistemas de terceros para crear ...
Deneva software manages digital systems in Latin American shopping malls8 February 2016 Developed by the Spanish Icon Multimedia, This CMS for the management and reproduction of digital signage content is integrated into totems and screens of two important commercial spaces of ...
Icon Multimedia and Quividi reach a strategic collaboration agreement in DooH communication11 November 2014 The French company Quividi and the Spanish company Icon Multimedia have signed a worldwide collaboration agreement to market their audience measurement solution in the Spanish market ...