11-S Anniversary: AV technology and digital signage to commemorate and remember the victims of terrorist attacks11 September 2014 Thirteen years after the most tragic terrorist attack in history: the 11 September 2001 in New York and Washington, the museum and space dedicated to memory ...
Delta and MultiTouch bring display systems to Atlantis ferry at Kennedy Space Center5 November 2013 Digital signage, a través de las pantallas táctiles interactivas de Delta Products y MultiTouch, lleva la antigua tecnología a la edad moderna y la hace accesible a los visitantes que ...
Moment Factory Creates Immersive Multimedia Environment at New Los Angeles Airport Terminal16 September 2013 The New Tom Bradley Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has the largest system of multimedia immersion and digital content in North American airport facilities made by ...
The history of industrial machinery manufacturer JCB told with original audiovisual systems9 July 2013 The most innovative of the visual technology of digital signage is exhibited with great originality to attract visitors and introduce them to the world of the machinery builder JCB. Originality ...
Projectiondesign immerses visitors on the Atlantis ferry from the legendary Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral1 July 2013 The Norwegian manufacturer Projectiondesign shows all its expertise in high performance projection in the new AtlantisSM attraction located in the Kennedy Space visitor center, at Cape Canaveral ...
Electrosonic instala la tecnología AV del nuevo Centro de Eaton en Cleveland21 May 2013 El nuevo Centro de Expriencia de Eaton en Cleveland (Ohio) ha sido construido combinando arte y tecnología AV de vanguardia, cuyo máximo representante se puede ver en la gran lámpara ...
Evening gowns that seem to come to life thanks to projectiondesign and Dataton technology11 October 2012 Una espectacular exhibición de más de 60 modelos de trajes de las últimas seis décadas de diseño de moda, 'Trajes de noche: Glamour británico desde 1950', es la primera exposición ...