Belden will focus its assistance to InfoComm 2017 in the HDbaseT standard13 June 2017 Para solventar los problemas de interferencias recomienda una infraestructura que soporte las distintas señales y proporcione escalabilidad de futuro en la instalación. To do this, presentará en Orlando un cable especial ...
Bose Professional incorporates PhaseGuide technology in its EdgeMax ceiling speakers13 June 2017 Combining the typical coverage patterns of surface speakers with the aesthetics of ceiling speakers, These new equipment represent a new category of products from the manufacturer. the ...
Equipson to attend InfoComm 2017 with the latest AV developments from Work Pro12 June 2017 LightShark lighting software, the new elevator tower concept developed by Work Lifters and the WorkCAD3 AV platform are the main novelties that can be seen in Orlando. At InfoComm ...
Charmex Latinoamérica SAS debuts at infoComm and Expo Virtual Educa Colombia 201712 June 2017 El proveedor B2B del sector audiovisual sigue intensificando su presencia en América Latina con su primera participación en estos importantes certámenes donde exhibirá la gama de monitores interactivos Clevertouch, Like this ...
AV Stumpfl will present at the Orlando fair new projection screens and media servers6 June 2017 Para el mercado de alquiler y espectáculos se presentará la pantalla de proyección móvil Monoclip. In addition, se exhibirá la pantalla curva FullWhite y una actualización del servidor de medios Wings ...
Powersoft will present at InfoComm 2017 your most innovative solutions for installation and OEM applications6 June 2017 Quattrocanali Class D amplifiers, MiniMod modules 4 and LiteMod 4HC, the version 2.10 Armonía Pro Audio Suite software and a device control app ...
Christie tackles the next generation spyder for spectacular visual experiences5 June 2017 The X80 is the new multi-window and multi-screen processor ideal for the rental market and large format applications. Offers the ability to manage 4K at a speed of 60 ...
Videotel unveils its most innovative 4K media player for digital signage31 May 2017 Este equipo interactivo todo en uno está diseñado para operar en una infraestructura de red, conectado a través de Ethernet o WiFi, in hotels, shops, restaurants, Fairs, Events, centros de ...
Kramer DIP-31M makes it easy to automate medium-sized boardrooms22 May 2017 Este conmutador 4K60 se integra con el software Maestro permitiendo crear entornos fáciles de configurar y personalizar con una mínima intervención por parte del usuario final. Kramer acudirá a InfoComm 2017, ...
Powersoft Conducts Training Tour of Amplifier Technology in Latin America12 May 2017 The company's specialists, in collaboration with your local distributors in each country, detail in these training meetings the advantages of the new Quattrocanali series, as well as ...
Powersoft will conduct an accredited Class D system design course during InfoComm 20178 May 2017 The top-level course 'How to optimize the design of fixed installations using the DSP in Class D power amplifiers', will be held next 15 June in ...
Charmex sells Clevertouch multi-touch monitors in Latin America3 February 2017 To expand the brand's reach in the area, the wholesaler is beginning to establish relationships with different distributors and integrators in the region. In addition, will be present for the first time ...