Value Event 2016: Ingram Micro reinforces its commitment to the value channel as part of HNA Group14 December 2016 The wholesaler has held in Madrid the third edition of this event around its value division, that this year has been starred by belonging for a week to the ...
Ingram Micro is fully part of HNA Group after completion of the transaction13 December 2016 The American and Chinese companies have announced the completion of this process that began at the beginning of the year, by which the wholesaler joins the Tianjin company ...
Selfridges renews the showcase of its flagship store in London with a videowall of DynaScan12 December 2016 El principal reto que había que superar era evitar los efectos de la luz solar que inciden directamente en la ventana y que provocaban una mala visibilidad de los contenidos. ...
Ingram Micro completes its digital signage portfolio with DynaScan solutions1 December 2016 The agreement signed between both companies makes the wholesaler the official distributor for the Iberia region of DynaScan's visualization solutions. Through its audiovisual division, pro ...
Ingram Micro bets on a diversified value business to increase share and growth7 November 2016 The Symposium 2016 ha dejado clara la evolución de la reinvención del mayorista del pasado año hacia la de diversificar el negocio no sólo para mantener su posición, sino ganar ...
Ingram Micro reunirá mañana a más de 2.400 professionals in their Symposium 20162 November 2016 A falta de un día para que se celebre la décimo quinta edición del evento entre el mayorista y el canal TI, la cifra de profesionales inscritos hasta ahora respalda ...
Ingram Micro kicks off the flagship of its channel program: the Symposium 201615 July 2016 The appointment will be the next 3 of November and registration is now open to attend this event aimed at the IT channel, in which it is expected that in ...
Ingram Micro shows its commitment to Collaboration and Led Technology in the fourth edition of IMagine Event16 June 2016 During the day yesterday, the wholesaler brought together the channel to show in practical scenarios the solutions most demanded by the market. In addition, took the opportunity to present the new ...
IMagine Event will focus its call with the technological channel on digital transformation27 April 2016 La cuarta edición de este evento orientado a mercados verticales, organizado por el mayorista Ingram Micro y sus divisiones especializadas, will take place next time 15 de junio en Lasede del ...
Ingram Micro pasa a manos del grupo logístico chino Tianjin Tianhai18 February 2016 El acuerdo de fusión de la compra del mayorista asciende a 6.000 millions of dollars, por el que pasará a formar parte del grupo inversor HNA Group, con sede en ...
Ingram Micro to recreate two university scenarios at ISE 20163 February 2016 Un aula interactiva y una cafetería universitaria serán dos de los principales escenarios que podrán verse en el stand que Ingram Micro tendrá en ISE 2016 para mostrar su amplio ...
Ingram Micro cites the channel to attend the Symposium in November 201628 January 2016 Ingram Micro ya ha adelantado las fechas del Simposium que realiza anualmente para compartir una jornada de nertworking y negocios con el canal. La cita está prevista para el 3 ...
Digital signage and DooH moderately improve positions in sales, according to Ovad and Context27 November 2015 With a slight positive improvement by the end of the year, in the case of the latest Business Climate Index of the digital signage and DooH industry (DBCI) in ...
Ingram Micro increases competencies in data centers with Cisco UCS-ATD certification23 November 2015 La división de Advanced Solutions de Ingram Micro ha dado a conocer su certificación como distribuidor de la solución unificada de servidores de Cisco (Unified Computing System - UCS-ATD) in ...
Ingram Micro brings Madrid's technology sector together around its Value division12 November 2015 Some four hundred professionals from the Spanish technology sector have gathered around the Value division of wholesaler Ingram Micro, recently held in Madrid the second edition of ...
Ingram Micro shows in its Symposium 2015 and ante 2.500 assistants how a wholesaler reinvents itself19 October 2015 With a single strategic vision: to add value to the channel and differentiate itself in an increasingly competitive market, Ingram Micro ha celebrado la décimo cuarta edición de su ...
Ingram Micro starts the countdown to its Symposium 2015 with 2.300 Registered13 October 2015 In the absence of three days for its annual event with the technological channel, that will take place next time 15 October at the Dome of the Sands in Barcelona, the ...
Ingram Micro adds the brand of supports NewStar to its portfolio AV Pro1 September 2015 The wholesaler has announced distribution in the Spanish market, through its AV Pro division - Imagine, of the monitor stands of the Dutch brand NewStar from ...
Ingram Micro presenta al canal su nueva sede en Viladecans Business Park28 July 2015 El mayorista tecnológico anima a todos los partners a descubrir sus nuevas oficinas, ya operativas, a través de un vídeo con todos los detalles. Last May, Ingram Micro ...
Ingram Micro opens registration for the Symposium 2015 for your encounter with the channel the 15 October21 July 2015 Wholesalers' partners can now reserve their place for the Symposium 2015, that will take place next time 15 October at the Dome of the Sands in Barcelona, low ...