Macroservice brings to Spain the monitor for interactive digital signage Elo 5501LT23 February 2016 This monitor of 55 Inch, presentado recientemente en ISE 2016 y disponible ya en el mercado español a través de Macroservice, puede integrar también un módulo informático para ofrecer una ...
"With Crestron Fusion Cloud we create smarter workplaces", Nic Milani, Director of Cloud Solutions22 February 2016 Fostering the 'culture of collaboration' is the objective that Crestron has in each of its developments, as explained in this video made during their participation in ...
Sennheiser promotes dynamic work environments with TeamConnect Wireless18 February 2016 The manufacturer has just presented in the latest edition of ISE its first wireless audio conferencing solution in response to the demand of business executives, that allows you to start and ...
"The future lies in a more collaborative environment, interactive and bidirectional", Frederick Haba, NEC Display at ISE 201618 February 2016 Soluciones completas y verticales, desde un plató de TV a una sala de reunión colaborativa, un entorno de retail o un centro de control, ha sido la apuesta de este ...
Vogel's: a cutting-edge company in AV media in its participation in ISE 201617 February 2016 Universal solutions for videowalls, supports for tablets of any format and manufacturer, accessories for videoconferencing furniture and systems for fixing televisions to the wall, Designed, above all, for ...
Ise 2016 Records 65.686 visitors to the most successful and enduring edition of its history17 February 2016 The organizers of ISE have met the expectations of attendance they had for the edition 2016, the longest in its history, with four days duration, with 65.686 ...
InFocus une las tecnologías de Jupiter y Avistar para desarrollar nuevas soluciones de colaboración15 February 2016 Canvas Touch y la plataforma ConX son el fruto de las adquisiciones que recientemente ha realizado InFocus y ofrecen unos entornos de videoconferencia pensados para la oficina, meeting rooms ...
Leyard displays at Lang's stand at ISE 2016 the largest 8K Led videowall in the world15 February 2016 With a few measures of 9,5 meters long and 5 high, Leyard's modules with Lang's rental expertise and visual presentation equipment enabled lifting ...
Matrox C900: single slot graphics card for videowalls of 3×315 February 2016 The latest card that Matrox has incorporated into the C-Series line, is the C900, a single-slot graphics board with 9 Outputs, Supports 9 pantallas de 1.920x1.080 a 60 hz. ...
Meyer Sound: an entire constellation of audio with pinpoint accuracy12 February 2016 In ISE 2016 is demonstrating with its Constellation system, designed to precisely control reverberation time, the first reflections and other key parameters determining the clarity of ...
Lawo deploys in ISE 2016 its solutions for IP-based audio and video infrastructures12 February 2016 Lawo has advanced infrastructure solutions at its stand at the Amsterdam RAI, such as drives for video V__line I/O and audio A__line I/O as well as networks with processing ...
Zytronic surprises with an 85" 4K touchscreen and more than 40 Touch12 February 2016 Además de está pantalla de gran formato multitouch, Zytronic está mostrando en ISE un kiosco digital con pantalla curva y una nueva tecnología de reconocimiento de objetos para tablets. Zytronic está ...
DenevaDS is present at ISE 2016 hand in hand with Casadevall, LG and Quividi12 February 2016 En los stands de estos fabricantes, la plataforma de digital signage DenevaDS está mostrando sus funcionalidades, potencial y capacidad de integración de su plataforma con sistemas de terceros para crear ...
Elo Touch, interactivity in digital signage 10 to 70” at ISE 2016, now under Android12 February 2016 El soporte de Android que ofrece esta compañía y presenta en el Ámsterdam RAI permite sacar el máximo partido en las pantallas dinámicas de cualquier contenido que haya sido desarrollado ...
Yamaha demonstrates at ISE 2016 the possibilities of network audio and the mixing potential of your consoles12 February 2016 QL1 consoles, TF1 and CL1, el sistema wireless MusicCast y los switches de red para instalación son algunas de las soluciones que Yamaha exhibe en ISE 2016. Yamaha goes to ...
B-Tech makes it easy to assemble Led videowalls with different sizes and anchors12 February 2016 The lack of standardization of the anchors of the Led panels supposes many headaches to the integrators. To fix this, B-Tech is committed to a technology adaptable to each panel ...
Sharp deslumbra el Ámsterdam RAI con el primer monitor comercial 8K de 85” del mundo12 February 2016 El certamen europeo ha sido de nuevo el marco escogido por la multinacional japonesa para presentar el resultado de la inversión en I+D en tecnología de monitores, con la exhibición ...
Planar and Leyard bet on ISE 2016 with its most innovative range of screens to date12 February 2016 La adquisición de la compañía por parte de Leyard, en noviembre de 2015, ha creado nuevas oportunidades para la innovación y la combinación de tecnologías entre ambas empresas en soluciones ...
Avnet, Mitsubishi, VisioSign and VuWall use Matrox technology in their presentations made in ISE 201612 February 2016 C680 graphics cards, Mura MPX videowall controllers and H.264 Maevex encoders / decoders 5100 Series have been incorporated into the visualization equipment that Avnet Embedded, Mitsubishi, VisioSign ...
Sharp and its partners fill their booth at ISE with live visual and interactive innovation 201612 February 2016 Soluciones de software interactivo para digital signage y mercados verticales, videoconferencia y colaboración o calibración de color en monitores son sólo algunas de las demostraciones que la multinacional japonesa y ...