Barrella Eventos continues to bet on Powersoft audio technology for its projects22 November 2016 The Brazilian rental company has been using this company's amplification solutions for more than a decade for the events it organizes., as the Arraial do Fervo ...
JBL Professional PD500: Loudspeakers for large sound projects21 July 2016 Sucesora de la serie PD, this line, compuesta por cinco modelos, mantiene la potencia y cobertura de su predecesora y es idónea para utilizar en instalaciones deportivas y grandes auditorios. the ...
JBL VTX M: stage monitors for demanding, maximum-power applications11 July 2016 Integrated by VTX M20 and VTX M22 models, this line incorporates the neodymium Differential Drive woofers, los transductores de alta frecuencia D2 con doble diafragma y unas nuevas ...
Torre Cepsa Madrid entrusts its auditorium's AV project to Tower TBA in collaboration with Earpro30 June 2016 With the aim of technologically renewing and giving new uses to its auditorium, those responsible for this Madrid skyscraper have entrusted the supply, equipment, audio system integration and execution, video ...
JBL EON208P: Portable PA system for entertainment venues, Classrooms, worship centres and meeting rooms22 June 2016 This equipment is composed of two loudspeakers, that can be located on the ground or tripods, and each of them has a bass speaker of 8 Inch ...
Earpro's presence in Afial shines with the AV solutions of its represented brands28 April 2016 En el entorno visual pueden verse en su stand las pantallas Led de Leyard y Eszenia by Createled, así como los monitores y proyectores de Panasonic; mientras que en digital ...
Sonido premium de JBL durante la 58ª edición de los Premios Grammy11 March 2016 Durante “la noche más grande de la música”, como se conoce la celebración de los Premios Grammy, organizada por The Recording Academy, contó en su 58ª edición con el sonido de ...
JBL technology solves the audio problems of Barbastro's cult building4 March 2016 An Intellivox DS380 column has been the solution chosen to respond to the problems presented by the church of San Francisco de Asís in Barbastro, un recinto de culto de ...
The Jaén Provincial Council relies on DIS by Shure as a system of debate for its full21 January 2016 The new system, instalado por Green Audio, no sólo sustituye al que había quedado obsoleto, sino que ofrece la fiable calidad de sonido Shure y la posibilidad de realizar traducción ...
Earpro analyzes at SIA 2015 the evolution and convergence of the AV and IT sector26 November 2015 Within the framework of the Earpro event, SIA 2015, Plenary sessions and specialized workshops were held, whose common denominator was to share knowledge and present solutions to face new trends ...
Sound spaces with JBL Control HST loudspeakers7 August 2015 Recently opened in the Galician town of El Ferrol, the pub-cafeteria Ten with Ten, It has a sound system composed of four units of the new JBL loudspeaker ...
JBL Professional All Weather Acoustic Boxes for Outdoor Applications3 July 2015 Designed to operate in outdoor spaces that require the highest level of fidelity in the playback of notices and/or music, the JBL All Weather line of loudspeakers ...
Control HTC: caja acústica con amplia cobertura en interior y exterior de JBL Professional15 May 2015 El nuevo recinto acústico Control HST de JBL Professional incorpora la tecnología Hemispherical Soundfield Technology para ofrecer una amplia cobertura horizontal tanto en instalaciones de interior como exterior. Con una cobertura ...
Los sistemas de JBL ofrecen en el ‘Molinón Tour, más que fútbol’ una experiencia sonora única8 May 2015 El nuevo museo del Estadio del Molinón, en la localidad asturiana de Gijón, ha contado para la puesta en marcha del ‘Molinón Tour, más que fútbol’ con los sistemas de ...
Harman chose the Prolight+Sound 2015 to show your latest news in audio and lighting24 April 2015 The Soundcraft Vi5000 and Vi7000 digital mixers, JBL VTX V25 II line array, the Crown XLS DriveCore II two-channel stage series, The processors of the ...
JBL Professional redefines the standards of portable PA systems with the SRX800 series21 April 2015 JBL's SRX800 family of acoustic boxes consists of two- and three-way models, with woofer of 12, 15 and 18 Inch. También forma parte de esta ...
Sound quality and intelligibility of the word in places of worship12 March 2015 Shure, JBL Professional and Son Press S.L. They have pooled their audio expertise to perform a custom installation with these manufacturers' systems and third-party integration, What ...
A dynamic and impactful AV exhibition shows a retrospective of the metropolitan area of Barcelona3 March 2015 Sono has provided the audiovisual equipment, control systems and infrastructures that have been required to carry out the exhibition "Metropolis Barcelona" of the AMB. Until next time 26 April can ...
EON206P: JBL Professional's portable and easy-to-use PA system24 February 2015 La solución de audio portátil EON206P, recientemente presentada por JBL Professional en el mercado y disponible en España y Portugal a través de Earpro, pone el sonido de calidad de ...
CSS equips the Dolby Atmos room of International Sound Studio13 February 2015 In the installation of the Dolby Atmos system, the JBL and Crown systems have been maintained, and the acoustics of the room have been renovated, modifying elements such as the screen ...