JVC Adds Five Tracking Functions to Its KY-PZ510 Cameras15 January 2024 La versión 3 del software para las cámaras PTZ KY-PZ510 y KY-PZ510N de JVC ofrece acceso a cinco modos diferentes de seguimiento automático: estándar, área, escenario, área amplia y ajuste ...
JVC has available the new PTZ 4K and HD cameras with SRT and NDI technology2 November 2021 The new JVC models incorporate a CMOS sensor, with 4K and HD resolution, along with NDI streaming features|HX and SRT to deliver the best image, even in networks ...
JVC adds to its offer a series of PTZ 4K and HD cameras with NDI and SRT protocol13 July 2021 The new series of robotic cameras PTZ of JVC is integrated by the models KY-PZ400N and HD KY-PZ200N, both with NDI/HX and SRT streaming features. The third is the ...
Ryan Seacrest Foundation equips the studios of its children's hospitals with JVC cameras26 March 2021 These health centers in the United States have production spaces to offer their young patients and families radio and TV programs in which they can participate.. Seacrest Studios ...
JVCKenwood shows new version of its Gazefinder look tracking system15 May 2020 The NP-200 features more applications with a better level of security and increased sampling rate. El sistema Gazefinder de JVCKenwood es capaz de medir y ...
JVC demonstrates in ISE the power of its 8K e-shift projectors and for simulation14 February 2020 La incorporación de esta tecnología de desplazamiento de píxel los convierte en los primeros proyectores hasta ahora con esta altísima resolución, que los visitantes pueden ver en acción en una ...
Robotic cameras for recording conferences and educational events20 August 2019 Digitell, Conference Recording Service Provider, uses JVC KY-PZ100 cameras, with an SD card slot for local mode recording, Built-in streaming capability, ...
JVC expands its D-ILA laser range with night vision simulation projectors3 December 2018 Los modelos DLA VS47NV y VS45NV incluyen un nuevo bloque IR Led, diseñado para ejercicios de simulación con visión nocturna (NVG), que junto a DLA-VS4600 se incorporan a la gama ...
JVC DLA-VS3000: D-ILA projector for simulation applications21 September 2018 the 3 D-ILA devices that incorporates the DLA-VS3000 projector have native 4K resolution, work with depth of 10 bit and reach a native contrast ratio of 15.000:1, un aspecto ...
JVC introduces its first 8K projector with D-ILA chip and e-shift technology17 September 2018 Three new D-ILA Reference Series models, two with native 4K resolution and the first 8K, form the manufacturer's proposal for the consumer market. The new range of projectors from ...
JVC is introduced in the range of 4K DLP projectors with the LX-UX1 model6 April 2018 Con una resolución 4K nativa de 3.840x2.160p y una luminosidad de hasta 2.000 Lumens, se trata de primer proyector de JVC en esta categoría. Disponible previsiblemente en el mercado el próximo ...
JVCKenwood fills its space in ISE 2018 projection for simulation and immersion9 February 2018 El fabricante presenta en Ámserdam tres nuevos proyectores D-ILA destinados al mercado profesional de visualización y simulación, entre otras innovaciones. En el stand de JVCKenwood en ISE 2018 (hall 14 - ...
JVC DLA VS4010 and VS4700: 4K projectors for simulation applications30 November 2017 These devices are available with different fixed optics and zoom, and built with a robust chassis, specially designed to be installed on mobile simulation systems, con desplazamiento en inclinación ...
JVCKenwood enhances its visual solutions for medical imaging with an agreement with Rein Medical16 November 2017 Con el objetivo de incrementar su presencia en el mercado japonés y americano y ofrecer una solución integral con el distribuidor, la nueva gama de sistemas para este sector del ...
Dallas Mavericks monitor their workouts with JVC's robotic cameras7 April 2017 En el nuevo centro se ha instalado un sistema de producción del que forman parte cuatro cámaras robotizadas KY-PZ100 PTZ de JVC Professional Video, together with the 2 controladores de ...
JVC D-ILA: innovation in 4K laser projection and integrated solutions in ISE 201713 February 2017 El fabricante ha finalizado con éxito su participación en el certamen de Ámsterdam con la presentación de nuevos equipos con fuente de luz láser Blu-Escent y ultra alta resolución para ...
The JVC DLA-Z1 laser projector, first on the market with THX 4K certification12 January 2017 To achieve this demanding certification, el equipo superó cientos de pruebas en el laboratorio de THX para acreditar la conformidad con los rigurosos estándares de rendimiento exigidos y garantizar que ...
JVC develops a laser projector with 4K resolution for simulation applications22 December 2016 The DLA-VS4500 uses a signal process of 12 Bit, delivers a brightness level of 3.000 lumens and provides high native contrast, además de ser compatible con ...
JVC strengthens its medical line with its own brand after the acquisition of the company Totoku5 December 2016 The company has announced the decision to enhance its range of products for the health sector, after the acquisition of Totoku two years ago, as well as that ...
JVCKenwood continues to bet on the health environment and signs an alliance with Sysmex31 March 2016 El acuerdo con la firma japonesa está encaminado al desarrollo conjunto de soluciones de diagnóstico médico, orientadas a la creación de pruebas y tecnologías que podrían desempeñar un papel clave ...