Crestron helps merge education and esports in universities23 November 2022 To respond to the objectives of the University of Greensboro, to integrate the game into your learning methodology, Crestron DM NVX AV-over-IP technology was selected as a column ...
Sngular attends the Malaga Observatory with new AR/VR solutions and artificial intelligence10 July 2019 La compañía presentará Gravity, una herramienta de realidad virtual que facilita a los profesionales la presentación de proyectos de arquitectura, interiorismo y construcción, entre otros desarrollos. La tercera edición del Observatorio ...
Ibercover Studio integrates interactive technologies for the global roadshow of the shipping company Bahri21 March 2018 An interactive tactile wall, a transparent screen, virtual and augmented reality stations and more systems are integrated into the technological truck developed by Ibercover Studio for this ...
Colcerámica uses virtual reality to optimize the shopping experience in its stores27 June 2017 Virtualware ha desarrollado un sistema interactivo que permite a los clientes configurar su baño y visualizarlo de manera inmersiva a través de las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rift. this ...
Brainstorm to take NAB 2017 your advances in real-time 3D graphics and augmented reality15 March 2017 The new versions of its augmented reality solutions, virtual studies graphic capacity mark the proposal of the company in this important contest of the audiovisual industry, to be held ...
Mountain enters the virtual reality market with Brainside28 January 2016 La empresa española especializada en equipos informáticos de alto rendimiento ha firmado un acuerdo que el especialista en diseño y desarrollo de realidad virtual como parte de su estrategia de ...
inMediaStudio exports its immersive marketing experience to London and the United States9 December 2015 As a technology partner of Paramount Pictures Spain, the virtual reality action created by the Spanish company inMediaStudio, that has managed to put almost 2.000 people in the skin of ...
Virtual reality wraps in 360º the latest video clip of the rock band U23 November 2015 De pantallas gigantes Led transparentes como protagonistas en su última gira a plataformas de realidad virtual para la grabación de vídeos, la banda irlandesa U2 mantiene sus palabras: “no nos ...
Samsung summons the virtual reality industry to the Gear VR Weekend event3 September 2015 During this event, que tendrá lugar el fin de semana del 12 and 13 de septiembre en la localidad madrileña de Aranjuez, profesionales del entorno de la realidad virtual, creadores ...
Surreal Vision technology will allow Oculus to merge the real world with virtual scenarios28 May 2015 Con la compra de la startup Surreal Vision, Oculus dispondrá de la tecnología que le permitirá crear escenarios donde será posible moverse por el mundo real, interactuar con él pero ...
The Seven Kingdoms of 'Game of Thrones' turn Madrid into a fantastic universe with AV technology and interactive30 April 2015 The 'Game of Thrones' exhibition, organized by Canal+ and the Madrid City Council, has opened its doors until the next 3 at the Matadero in Madrid, with ...
La realidad virtual de Samsung Gear VR, disponible para su venta en el mercado español3 February 2015 The next 13 de febrero marca la fecha oficial de la comercialización en España de Gear VR, el casco de realidad virtual desarrollado por Samsung y Oculus Rift, that you use ...
InMediaStudio creates a 360º and immersive visual experience with Oculus Rift in its short film 'Empathy'26 November 2014 Made with 360º video technology for viewing with Oculus Rift immersive devices, 'Empathy' is the latest documentary project of the Spanish InMediaStudio Comunicación, based on real events ...
Virtual trip to the planet Mars with NASA tour and Oculus Rift lenses13 August 2013 La NASA y las empresas de lentes de realidad virtual Oculus Rift y Virtuix Omni han desarrollado ‘Immersive Space Exploration’, un sistema que permite viajar y recorrer virtualmente en 360 ...