XL Video turns the mythical 'Doctor Who' series into a synphonic and audiovisual show24 July 2015 Vision Nine Arts & Entertaiment y XL Video son los responsables de la realización y producción de la espectacular gira de conciertos en vivo con las composiciones de Murray Gold ...
Panasonic facilitates the configuration of videowalls with a new management software23 July 2015 El kit Auto Camera Adjustment se integra en el nuevo software Video Wall Manager desarrollado por la compañía para optimizar su uso, reducir el tiempo de instalación y mejorar la ...
Panasonic brings 4K technology to a new 20" format with its Toughpad FZ-Y122 July 2015 This model of 20 pulgadas supone la evolución del tablet 4K desarrollado por la compañía para el entorno de la producción audiovisual, photography, Bless you, retail y arquitectura. Panasonic ha dado un ...
Panasonic AW-UE70: first 4K PTZ camera for professional video20 July 2015 Con una resolución de 3.840x2.160p a 25p a través de HDMI, esta cámara PTZ tiene capacidad para transmisión en flujo IP 4K y grabación 4K interna, disponible en el mercado ...
Los tres videowalls del nuevo plató de Arte TV News crean una experiencia envolvente1 July 2015 El nuevo plato del canal Arte TV News cuenta con tres videowall configurados con 20 pantallas TH-55LFV70 de Panasonic. El reto era conseguir un entorno envolvente que consiguiera sumergir al ...
Panasonic acquires MagicInk Interactive to strengthen its position in digital signage30 June 2015 Con sede en Nueva York, MagicInk Interactive es un proveedor privado de servicios de hardware, software e integración de redes de digital signage indoor, with more than 115 instalaciones en ...
Panasonic ET-YFB200G: switch for signal distribution in AV infrastructures29 June 2015 ET-YFB200G expands live switching possibilities for presentations in meeting rooms and classrooms, sending HDMI signals, Full-HD videos, audio and control commands at a distance of ...
The London Marathon 2015 shortens distances with Panasonic projection systems24 June 2015 With record participation, more than 38.000 Athletes and amateurs, The recent celebration of the London Marathon has had an important audiovisual deployment by the technology provider Marathon IT, ...
Panasonic B2B facilitates synergies between distributors and end customers16 June 2015 Además de abarcar más productos, el nuevo portal de socios B2B de la compañía ofrece a mayoristas y distribuidores acceso a la información de los clientes finales y registrar nuevas ...
Alpine Sensation: immersive projection with Panasonic systems at the top of Europe8 June 2015 Seven Panasonic PT-DZ6700 projectors, with a specially adapted housing to work at 3.454 meters above sea level, are the technological core of Alpine Sensation, one ...
Panasonic's AV technology brings to life the story lived in the Upton House during World War II4 June 2015 Panasonic's high-resolution screens and projection systems have brought interactivity to the open exhibition at Upton House, while serving to create ...
'The Experience' promotes leisure and training with digital signage and IPTV from Tripleplay2 June 2015 A digital signage system, supported by Samsung displays, and a Tripleplay IPTV channel to provide informative content and live television has been the bet made by ...
Panasonic PY-VW350: portable LCD projector with 4.000 lumens and Miracast connection1 June 2015 With only 3 Kg. de peso para su sencillo transporte, la nueva serie compacta PT-VW350 de Panasonic integra los proyectores LCD “más pequeños y ligeros del mundo en su categoría ...
Panasonic Toughbook CF-MX4: convertible into tablet and notebook for the professional environment12 May 2015 Creativos y profesionales disponen con el Panasonic CF-MX4 de todas las ventajas que proporciona un terminal móvil con las avanzadas prestaciones que se precisan en el entorno de los negocios ...
The 'Sarcophagus of the Spouses'’ comes to life thanks to 3D videomapping and holographic techniques4 May 2015 Using a three-sided holographic pyramid and a 3D videomapping projection system, supported by Panasonic solutions, the Bologna History Museum has recreated the ...
Swiss Chocolate Adventure offers a sweet immersive projection with Panasonic technology30 April 2015 As part of the Transport Museum of the Swiss city of Lucerne and following the tradition of this country in chocolate marketing, its managers have created Swiss Chocolate Adventure, ...
The Canadian Museum of Human Rights breaks molds with its state-of-the-art AV facility8 April 2015 The architecture of the building that houses the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg has presented Electrosonic with significant challenges in implementing the complex AV infrastructure. ...
Panasonic projectors protagonists of the magical Festival Hans Christian Andersen1 April 2015 The Danish municipality of Odense offered visitors a 3D animation show that recreated the fantastic universe of Hans Christian Andersen, thanks to Panasonic's PT-DZ21K projectors. During ...
Crambo 360o Experience 2015 begins its journey in Bilbao31 March 2015 Crambo Visuales will start its 360º Experience 2015 the 29 of April in Bilbao and will tour different Spanish cities in order to show the most innovative products and solutions from hands ...
Panasonic Space Player: iluminación ambiental y proyección de imágenes todo en uno para retail30 March 2015 Con el fin de aumentar las posibilidades creativas de los espacios, la multinacional ha desarrollado Space Player (PT-JW130), un sistema que combina la iluminación ambiental y la proyección de imágenes para ...