Future Stores revolutionizes the retail experience with interactive LED technology19 November 2024 This new London store has materialized an innovative shopping concept in an immersive visual environment, Created with 1.883 Aoto Electronics LED panels, with a pixel pitch ...
Sony opens an immersive Crystal Led showroom in Madrid21 November 2023 The powerful visual and immersive effects of Sony's Crystal Led video wall can be seen in the Trison showroom in Madrid, which joins the eight rooms ...
Absen Aries MiniLED becomes the backbone of the Catalyst Connect virtual studio8 July 2021 El estudio virtual Catalyst Connect es un espacio de 200 m2, que alberga un escenario de presentación de 50 m2 con un telón Led de fondo configurado con una pantalla ...
The Leadenhall building renews its viewing structure to offer an immersive experience9 November 2020 Los visitantes son recibidos en la zona de recepción con un gran videowall de 32 m2. La instalación de esta solución Led, configurada con la tecnología de Samsung, It has been ...
BrightSign Players Take Off at Edinburgh Airport5 November 2020 Para este proyecto se ha utilizado el modelo XT244 y el software BrightAuthor. Con estos reproductores se entrega el contenido multimedia y publicitario a la pantalla en resolución Full HD ...
Edinburgh Airport installs a Led screen of 85 meters with Absen technology23 October 2020 Considerada la más grande de Europa, en una zona de facturación, este soporte de visualización de gran formato se ha configurado con paneles Led Acclaim A2725 Plus de 2,5 mm. ...
Absen Adds Value with Led Visualization to Sterling Event Group's Virtual Events11 June 2020 The new study of this company, located in the English city of Manchester, features a stunning dynamic visual background, configurado con paneles Led de 2,5mm Pro de la serie ...
The new Absen MiniLED display from 1,5 MM Drives Demand from Rental Companies11 September 2019 El fabricante chino ha anunciado que la primera producción de su pantalla Led Aries AX de 1,5 mm se ha agotado rápidamente en el mercado europeo tras el alto número ...
Kings Place relies on Absen's LED display to attract visitors' attention in a dynamic and engaging way4 October 2018 En la recepción de este edificio, localizado en el centro de Londres, se ha instalado un videowall de 5x6 configurado por 30 paneles Led Absen N2 BLK de 2 mm. ...