4K Summit once again has Sono as AV sponsor in its edition 201720 September 2017 For the third consecutive year, este especialista en ingeniería audiovisual será el partner de este encuentro internacional de contenidos y tecnología UHD /HDR, that will take place in the 8 to the 10 of ...
The Castle of Viñuelas illuminated its façade for the event of a pharmaceutical company13 September 2017 Sono provided the AV equipment for this occasion in which they were used 30 Led wash lights Prolight Lumipark18QIP, 4 Prolight Stark400 moving heads and others 4 Vari Lite 3500 ...
Sono provided the sound systems for the concert of carrillón celebrated in the Sagrada Familia27 July 2017 For its realization were used 33 micros, entre los que destacan el modelo DPA 1099, que se usó para el carrillón, el DPA Dfacto para la solista y siete Neumann ...
Crualla Festival featured more than 125 square meters of Led screen on your stages21 July 2017 Sono fue la empresa encargada de la instalación de los equipos y de la cobertura audiovisual. El escenario principal contó con dos pantallas de exterior de 5x5 metros de Absen ...
Sono attended Evento Days 2017 with a spectacular assembly of kinetic spheres and interactive solutions14 July 2017 In their stand they were installed 84 Motorized and integrated Led spheres with a semitransparent screen for ceiling Matrix of 31 pixel pitch mm. It also had a Unilumin display ...
Sono performs a projection of more than 60 m2 and blending for the SAS Forum event 20174 July 2017 This AV service provider has made a large deployment in equipment, configuration and technical execution for this event on analytics, that has brought together more than 1.300 professionals at ...
Sono performs a rear-projection of 30.000 lumens for the charity dinner 'We Are One'23 June 2017 The fifth edition of the charity dinner 'Somos Uno' has counted, one more year, with the work of this specialist in audiovisual services, that has supplied the equipment and has ...
A spectacular AV staging of light and color accompanied the event of the pharmaceutical Libbs14 June 2017 La convención anual de esta multinacional se desarrolló en un entorno donde primaron los elementos audiovisuales entre los que destacó una proyección de más de 40 metros y un espectacular ...
Sono equips Fira de Barcelona with nearly seventy large format monitors24 May 2017 The project includes 18 screens of 49 inches and 50 of 55 by LG, equipos que ofrecen resolución Full HD, a brightness of 350 cd/m2 y un contraste dinámico de 500:00:1. Fira ...
The TV3 show 'Oh Happy Day’ was assisted by Shure sound21 April 2017 To deliver the quality you needed, ULXD4 wireless microphone system was used, with a maximum of 28 Frequencies, and worked on ULXD pouch emitters, Microphones ...
Sono supplied the AV equipment for the General Shareholders' Meeting of Banco Sabadell10 April 2017 Among the equipment that was used in this event highlights a large format screen Absen A3 3,9 mm more than 10 base meters, 8 monitors ...
Sono provides AV technology for the scenography of Antena's new talent show 323 March 2017 ‘Tu cara no me suena’ es el nuevo programa que Antena 3 ha estrenado en marzo. Para su puesta en escena se utiliza un escenario dotado diferentes elementos audiovisuales como ...
El recinto modernista de Sant Pau abre un nuevo espacio expositivo con una espectacular infraestructura AV13 February 2017 Tras su restauración, el pabellón de Sant Salvador se ha convertido en un museo que difunde la vida y obra de su arquitecto, Lluís Domènech i Montaner. Un viaje interactivo ...
RCD Espanyol holds its shareholders' meeting accompanied by Sono's AV equipment20 December 2016 La empresa se ha encargado de suministrar las soluciones audiovisuales, asi como del montaje, realización en directo y regiduría del evento, tanto para el auditorio como para la sala de ...
The SAS Forum scenario 2016 featured a spectacular projection of 108 square meters26 October 2016 For the realization of the largest event on analytics in Spain was installed a giant screen of 18x6 meters with multiprojection of two Christie Boxer 4K30 equipment. The contents were managed by ...
A projection cube, consisting of four screens, presides over the Bright Minds Congress14 October 2016 Sono ha sido la empresa encargada de suministrar el equipo AV que tenía como elemento principal esta solución integrada por 4 proyectores Christie Roadster de 14.000 lúmenes y un sistema de presentación ...
Sono is awarded the AV integration project of the new exhibition of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona13 September 2016 In this permanent exhibition the history of the royal shipyards and galleys is explained through interactive content, immersive audiovisuals and virtual image dioramas. All the ...
The interactivity marked the presence of Sono to Event Days 201621 July 2016 At its stand, several technologies were combined as an interactive virtual stage., a large format multi-touch Led screen and a semi-transparent one. The first consisted of two ...
Christie Boxer projectors gave light and color to the convent of San Esteban de Salamanca19 July 2016 For the videomapping that was projected on the occasion of the Festival of Light and Vanguards, three Boxer 4K30 were used that were located in a layher and a distance of about ...
Sono performs AV integration in the new offices of Banco Sabadell in London17 June 2016 Located on the floors 37 and 38 of the central Leadenhall of the British capital, The new meeting rooms of this financial institution have had this engineering specialist ...