Zerintia will develop solutions with Vuzix smart glasses for the industrial sector22 September 2016 With this agreement, se convierte en la primera empresa española en sumarse al programa VIP M300 de la compañía norteamericana para el desarrollo de soluciones de realidad aumentada y realidad ...
Zerintia Technologies places Spain among the first countries in the developing world loT16 June 2016 Las principales empresas impulsoras de esta tecnología han argumentado, con sus iniciativas y desarrollo de dispositivos, está afirmación durante la tercera edición de Wearable Technology & Internet of Things Conference, ...
Rodilla builds the future by uniting the IoT with tradition and quality in its establishments3 June 2015 That people spend more time in their premises and enjoy moments of leisure with the latest AV technology and connectivity is the objective of the ...
Madrid Zoo implements Google Glass technology to offer visitors an interactive journey4 July 2014 In collaboration with Zerintia Technologies, The Madrid Zoo Aquarium has become the first European park of its kind to implement an augmented reality application in its buildings. ...